Is it worth it to rent cards?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Is it really worth it to rent cards for the end season?

Even with the release of the chaos legion pack, does the reward justifies the worth of the rented cards?

The price sky rocketed in the renting section for the last 24 hours.

The worth of the rented cards to achieve higher ranks especially to gold and diamond, the increase amount of chest may not be sufficient.

Except maybe if you hit the jackpot of thousand DECs' with the probability of maybe less than 1% or get a gold foil legendary.

Maybe investing on cards and increasing level is more worth a thought.

Any advise for those who are starting out?


I have found the last few days it is not worth it, But if you can rent them a few days before the prices are way cheaper and I will find out soon if the rewards are worth it but remember you also get daily rewards from battles and he high he leagues he more chest you get

Goodluck with your rewards bro. May the odds be in your favor. Also in the renting part hoping that the owner does not cancel. Let's see next season if the rewards are worth it.