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RE: Wanted: Non-Botting Bronze and Silver Wild Players

in Splinterlands9 months ago

Here's my story:

What is your in game name? Rodentz

When did you join? Sept 2021

Why did you join? Did someone influence you? Which community members you admire?

No one influenced me, just my curiosity. I was looking for a crypto game to play during all the hype of 2021, this is the game I decided to join.

What league did you play before, and how high do you climb now?

I was playing in Silver league, these days I climb to Champ 3.

What do you usually do with your SPS? What is your multiplier now? Do you own or rent SPS and how much?

All my earned SPS gets staked. My current multiplier is 3.52. I have 19.2k SPS staked and rent 12k SPS per week.

Do you own or rent cards? Which ones? What do you want next?

I own 95% of the cards I use.

What is a typical season rewards for you?

I earn about 140 SPS per season.

How do you like the Glint shop updates? Anything you'd like to see?

Glint shop is ok. I get about half the reward cards per season than before the shop was introduced. I would like to see the random card only draws come back for those of us who still need cards.

How do you expect the new season fee to affect you?

The change will put mid level players like myself in the negative.
I get around 140 battle sps per season so that equals about 2,273 dec per season at current prices.
I rent around 700 dec worth of SPS per season so that would put me at 1573 dec gained per season.
A 2000 dec fee to play would make my account not worth playing at this point in time.
Raising the staking requirements will also add to all this.

Any other comments?

Besides totally banning bots I don't have an answer to the bot problem, as long as they are allowed in the game they will always be there taking advantage of the situation no matter what you throw at them. Maybe have some sort of kyc for the non bot farm accounts to bypass the seasonal fees, something like that is all I can think of at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for letting us share our story oaa :)