Tournament Coverage: Bronze A-Game

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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Good Evening Battle Mages,

I have been paying closer attention to the SPS tournaments I can qualify for the SPS I have staked.
I found this one but don't own a single Alpha card so I went to the rental market to see if it was an option to rent the entire site at BCX 1.
Sure enough the price wasn't bad so join me as I explore this meta and see if my quick plunge can produce some decent SPS.

I stream for SplinterlandsTV every Monday Night 9pm - 11pm EST so come check us out at https://www./splinterlandstv

If you interested in playing splinterlands please visit here

If you are currently without a guild and are taking splinterlands seriously please consider joing YGG Legacy!
We are looking for a few good battle mages to round out the team but more speficially we are looking for fun people to hang out with.
When the market goes bear it will be easy to get through with a group of friends playing a video game. Leave me a comment if your interested!

Thanks for your time and God Bless!


Spoiler - We absolulty bombed in Day 2. Everyone has a max level bronze set so it is a must to compete!

▶️ 3Speak


Hey man,

Love your content, unfortunately I'm in the UK so I can't catch your streams but love these vids.

Keep it up!