Hi Dwayne,
I found Splinterlands through your YouTube channel in early August and I've been playing Splinterlands and learning from your channel every day since.
You said in your most recent Diamond Grind video that we'd thank you in 3 years time. After only a couple of months I've already seen my assets in the game starting to snowball, so instead of waiting 3 years I wanted to thank you now.
I really appreciate the mindset you share towards the game and you've certainly helped me not only better understand the dynamics of battling but also understanding the bigger long term picture when it comes to Splinterlands.
I'll be looking into your memberships and will continue to like and subscribe on YouTube as well as here.
Thanks man. I appreciate your kind words. Im glad youre doing well in SL. Keep grinding and you've accumulate even more with your initial investment and the time and attention you'd spend for free on some other game if not SL.