Art contest week 149 Dark Enchantress Digital painting

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hi guys, to be honest this is my first ever entry to any type of art competition. After hearing that my newfound addiction splinterlands holds them regularly I had to join! I haven't been producing any artworks since 2018 since starting to work full time at an amazon warehouse (really sucked away my creativity!) This has given me motivation and Oomph to get back on track!

Any-who let's get right into I decided to do digital portraiture of a female character in splinterlands, after debating between spirit of the forest or dark enchantress I went for the latter because witch be cute.


software used: Paint tool sai, and clip studio paint.

Step 1: Blocking in forms!
So I started roughing in some basic shapes and planes for the head and face. If you are curious on how to head construction I recommend a book by Michael Hampton, "Figure Drawing: Design and invention".

art comp 2.png

Step 2: Adding features and defining the face
I wanted to add the Dark Enchantress's features from the get go to ground myself so I don't stray away from my desired goal. I used this as an opportunity to add the expression and her overall mood. Also a way to make faces look more attractive is to round edges and smooth out the details leaving as few as possible.

Step 3: Roughing out the rest of the drawing
Roughing out where the neck and shoulders would be. Then after hinting at how the hair would flow and where the hat would sit.5.png


Step 4: Colour time!
First we colour pick from her card art to roughly get the same purples and pinks and start airbrushing the face, this gives us a base to work with later.

more color.png

I did the same with the hair and hat just to give us something to build on top of.




Step 5: Mess with it till you are either satisfied or bored

I moved to clip studio paint as painting feels nicer on there, but I still haven't memorised its functions opposed to photoshop. From there I was able to actually fix the nose somewhat.

migrated to clip studio paint for some touch ups.png

**Result: I spent enough time on the drawing and finally threw in the towel


Wonderful work

Wow, she it's so beautiful ❤️

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look wonderful (curated by r1s2g3)
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Hello @ryupa! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

This is an awesome artwork. I think you should definitely get back to producing artworks! You will like this community: OnChainArt.

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