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RE: Please Join Me in the Splinterlands' Think Tank

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I just wonder if perhaps it's a problem for getting some new players in the game. If this was you today as a new player, would you continue to play Splinterlands? Now, perhaps the daily quests would help a bit

I heard Splinterlands is looking to adjust this situation . . .

Yes, I also observe the reduction in incentives especially in the Bronze league. I understand now why my second son gave up. In my case playing at Silver III, I don't feel the pressure to at least regain the rentals I paid. I am actually handling the accounts of my family and I am thinking that once I pulled them up one by one to Silver III, I think that's the time that the game will interest them. But with the current status in incentive mechanism, I think it will take some time for them to reach Silver III. My second son's account now has just 2,490 collection power and simply relying on daily quest and EOS rewards, I assume it will take him four to six months to reach Silver III, not unless of course there will be a chance that he could pick up at gold card with 2,500 CP just like what happened to my account when I was still at Bronze I.

Another thing I noticed is that DEC rewards in ranked battle is higher during the start of the season, and then it will decline close to EOS. Imagine with 100% Capture Rate and succeeding wins at Silver III and you will just receive 1 DEC plus. My tendency is to stop playing after I completed the quest and at least regain the rentals I paid. As for my family's accounts, my strategy is just to rent up to Bronze II, playing few games to reach 1,000 plus rating, and then simply wait for EOS hoping that opening the 7 chests, at least a 100 DEC card will be added to their total CP. Before, I always rent up to Bronze I and even up to Silver III, and would play until the Capture Rate declined down to 60% just to gain at least 10 or more DEC of top of the rental fees. Will then rest for 2 or 3 days until CR return to 100%. But these past two seasons, I stopped doing that for no matter how much I compute and the number of games you play, you will end reducing your DEC if you will try to rent either up to Bronze I or Silver III.

My advice is only applicable for those who have extra cash. If you can afford, buy single cards with good battle utility, and aim to reach at least 15,000 collection power.

Good to see if such adjustment will happen sooner.


I really really appreciate your comment here. I hope it's noticed by others, because yes, this is my concern that the new player really isn't familiar enough with the game and doesn't feel that "instant" reward to then push them deeper INTO the game. I am fairly certain we ALL agree no one wants Splinterlands to just do hands outs to people, but we also want that incentive to play the game to be there and I think you can have those incentives proportionate to what you've invested in the game which then drives people to want to invest further... but you've got to help that new player out or they never get that incentive to play. :) Thank you again so so much! I appreciate your thoughts and your time!! :) You have a wonderful week!