Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

This time, I’d like to share the performance of VULGUINE.

1.VULGUINE's Performance:

You may already have several cards maxed out and in use, but I believe VULGUINE is one of the most cost-effective cards. Especially in low-cost battles like this, it performs excellently as a frontline unit. Each time a unit in the backline or the opponent gets damaged, it heals, allowing it to survive until the end despite being in the front row.

今回はVUL GUINEの活躍について共有したいと思います。みなさんもいくつかのカードを最大レベルまで上げて活用しているかと思いますが、VUL GUINEは私が思う一番コスパのよいカードの一つです。特に今回のような低コストバトルにおいては、前衛として十分な活躍をするうえに、後衛や相手が削られるたびに回復をするため、前衛にも関わらず最後まで生き残ることができました。

Also, its ability to increase attack and speed after taking damage makes it a formidable threat to opponents. Since VULGUINE increases its maximum HP rather than just healing, once it starts enraging, it becomes unstoppable.

また、ダメージを受けると攻撃とスピードが上がる性質が非常に高性能なので相手をくるしめていることが分かります。VUL GUINEが回復ではなく、最大HPが上がる仕様なので一度怒り出すと全く歯止めがかからなくなる状態です。

2.PELACOR Performance:

In this battle, PELACOR was used as a powerful shield in the second line, which I also consider a cost-effective card. I encourage you to check out this battle and witness the effectiveness of these cards.



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