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RE: Departure?

in Splinterlands2 years ago

I can relate to a lot what you mentioned. I had similar feelings when the souldbound rewards started. I totally agree with Splinterlands having a good long term prospect as most of the other NFT based gamings I was involved with have vanished or gone dormant during the last few months. Not sure if selling all your cards is a right move in bear market when everything will be undervalued. That said you know yourself best so go with what you think right. Cheers!


Thanks for reading and dropping by. I appreciate your time. I played a few other games on EOS (do people remember that) - and they were fun to a point, but then got boring. That was a few years back now - and I care not to go and look into their fates.

I'm a bit pragmatic. Stuff is only worth what it is worth when you want to get it, or when you want to get rid of it.