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RE: Exploiter? or Jenius Player behind it

in Splinterlands3 days ago

Scholar- no. If a scholar still needs to rent the cards to play for such a cheap deck, then they can rather just rent for their own accounts and have the profits for themselves and they can't avoid playing with each other's account if they are played by individual people.

Human-probably. But since they play all time everyday, they probably have nothing to do. Meaning no Work and maybe the reason why they got positive winrate is that their livelihood relies on how much battle they won so in a sense they are desperate to win as many battles as they can rather than someone like us who play because we like the game and I can say the same with other scholars that does not have any assets to the game.

But rather than getting angry, I rather feel pity to them for not having a real job and becoming a productive part of the society. Season rentals will definitely hurt them but even that may not stop them from playing but instead, they will just infest the tournaments too.