Lucky Renting : Bargains to be had !!!

in Splinterlands4 years ago

As we all know, rental prices have been increasing recently, especially after the change from renting v1 to renting v2 on peakmonsters. I think the new way of renting (via Splinterlands or Peakmonsters) has had a two fold effect :

  1. It has made more people aware of how to rent - and demand has pushed prices up
  2. It has made it easier to list cards for rent, and to cancel your rental, allowing cards to be rented at market prices within 24 hours

But there are still some bargains to be had ... !!!

I tend to rent cards so that the rental finishes a day after the season ends. It makes it easier for me to keep track of which cards I'm renting, change strategy, and see which cards have been recalled back to their owners (I just check for ones finishing before the end of the season!)

So, as the new season has started, I'm building up my rental pack again. I wanted to get a "Magi of the Forest" to give me a low mana, high magic card for the Earth splinter.

Screenshot 2021-08-17 121230.jpg

I checked the DEC prices for level 1 and level 2 cards. Quite pricey - but then I realised that there was one Level 1 card listed at a much lower price than normal. It was listed at 2.36 DEC when the next cheapest card was 12.69 DEC.

Screenshot 2021-08-17 121147.jpg

I quickly added it to my basket and gladly paid the rental price. A bargain to be had 😃

My only worry now is that it is so easy for owners to cancel the rental contracts - hopefully this owner won't cancel the card before the season ends!

Good luck bargain hunting to all you Splinterland Warriors out there!


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