Hi Guys,
Im very new into the world of crypto and especially Splinterlands.
Iv watched alot of YT vids regarding SL but im finding alot of contrasting info on playing the game and earning from it.
Im a bit long in the tooth for a beginner (mid 40ish),but this whole concept is very interesting to me,but i could do with some help in finding useful but basic levels of assistance in a few areas.
regarding the game,
1 is there a "combat triangle" as in a guide to which elements are weaker or stronger to another.
2 is it really possible to play without investing money. most say to rent but other vids say that just doing dailies and seasons although slow you can still play to a standard.
3 If i was to rent, where to find the best guides for knowing what to look for.
As for Crypto,
iv got accounts with 1 or 2 of the larger exchanges, but im not familiar with hive and the whole DAPPS thing.
If anyone can offer any advice, or tell me who on Splintertalk i should follow for beginner level explainations, or even if there is a YT channel that is worth checking out.
I really would appreciate any assistance because this game has got me hooked. Thanks
Hello! I am also very new splinterlands, however in my experience I have a couple of things to note.
1.) I would not say that there is a combat triangle per say. However, certain tricks can definitely help you win battles. For example, when going against an earth splinter, the void ability (in unicorn mustang and bone golem) can be very useful. Especially in starter decks where earth splinters primarily use magic attacks
2.) I have been playing with no money other than the spellbook. Progress can be slow and frustrating but you can still have fun and play the game.
3.) I do not know as I don't rent cards.
I hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply.
when i went through the tutorial it said that because the opponent is using Death i should use fire because Death is powerful but slow . From this there im taking it there must be some sort of elemental weaknesses/strengths to each element.
Also, you say that to use void against Earth is good , but how do you know they will chose earth, of course you have last 5 fights shown but unless they have clear preferance for an element, choosing which style is still a struggle for me.
Thanks again for reply and any further advice.
Other than splinterlands, hive has other communities.This is @macchiata from @OCD (original content decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain!
It would be awesome if you do an introduction post. As a sample of what an great intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:
Keeping Up With the Buzz - My Introduction to the Hive Community
There's no pressure on this. You can choose whatever information you would like to share.
You can tag me @macchiata on your introduction post if you have done with it.