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RE: Chaos Legion and the new modern rank format

in Splinterlands3 years ago

QuoteTIP #2: Have your own cards if possible
As we can see, card prices are going up and up each day. Investing on cards will surely be profitable on the long term aspect of the game. You can have them to play, to rent for others or to flip them (buy and sell), it's all up to you. Also, having your own cards will help you gain your own card power which can give you more SPS airdrop points plus it will lessen your stress on every end season. For me, this is a win-win situation.


I just started 2.5 weeks ago and two days ago I made the decision to invest some hundred bucks to buy myself into silver 3. Best decision so far. No more renting needed, 50% chance for cards, 2 chests from daily quests. I think this was a wise decision in the long run.


It really is. My strategy now is to buy cards that I really use and max it at least for silver league. Then for the early season, I'll use it to grind and win battles. This will make my profit even more due to less renting. And when the season end comes, I'll list my cards for renting and earn passive income for 2 days.