We have three rulesets in effect: Melee Mayhem, Lost Magic and Blood and Sunder:

RULESET: Melee Mayhem
Melee units can attack from any position.
Prime use case for melee units with Bloodlust.
Abilities take precedence where targeting is concerned.
The Strategy
We have tree rulesets in effect, therefore all three should be considered for this battle. Most important rulesets are Melee Mayhem and Lost Magic.
Normally when I see Melee Mayhem ruleset I immediately think of using life splinter and Jared Scar. In this case we have Lost Magic ruleset in effect which makes Death splinter a better choice in my opinion.
What makes Death Splinter particularly powerful in this ruleset combination is the fact that with magic monsters gone I can use Ever Hungry Skull as my tank and this monster has eleven shield, four speed and useful abilities of thorns and return fire to deal return damage to all monsters that hit it in this ruleset. This is a strong tank in no magic games, but we can also boost it by using a legendary death summoner: Astral Entity. Astral Entity boosts our tank by providing it with Dodge ability with flying high speed and dodge combination it becomes a hard to hit tank. Additionally Astral Entity has a resurrect ability which will bring back our tank after it dies up to the full power once again.
Another great card in the Death splinter for this ruleset combination is Ravenhood Warden, this card gives additional shield to all friendly monsters boosting Hungry Skulls armor even more. We also have Weirding Warrior who further boosts our tank with Amplified thorns and return fire damage as well as removing more armor from the opposing team. Warrior also comes with another key ability: Shatter which comes particularly handy if our opponent is utilizing a high armor monster as their tank. Finally we have our Soul Strangler which is a high ranged damage dealer with Poison ability.
This unique combination of synergetic monsters on the Death team makes my lineup particularly Deadly for this Melee Mayhem and Lost Magic rulesets.
The Summoner

Astral Entity is a legendary Death summoner. It is particularly effective in this ruleset combination because it nerfs armor on the opposing team, gives evasiveness to all our monster and our hard to hit tank in particular and it brings back Ever-Hungry Skull with a full power intact.
1st Slot - Tank Monster

This card is key in our Deadly strategy. With magic monsters gone the skull becomes a perfect card to play. He has eleven shield and one health. When Astral Entity brings it back it comes back as good as new. Also it has a base speed of four with three melee damage and flying ability which makes him even harder to hit when combined with evasiveness ability provided by the Astral Entity. It also has Thorns and Return Fire abilities which are boosted by the Amplify ability from the Weirding Warrior.
2nd Slot - Reach Monster

I like playing Shadow Snitch in the second position because it has decent health of seven points, good speed of four and good melee damage of three. It also has important Affliction ability that stops self healing tanks from healing themselves.
3rd Slot - Ranged Attacker Monster

Weirding Warrior is a perfect supporting monster for this ruleset combination. I played him for his amplify, rust and shutter abilities.
4th Slot - Ranged Attacking Monster

Ravenhood Warden is another great support monster it adds armor to the whole team which is critical in the ruleset where there are no magic monsters.
5th Slot - Ranged Damage Dealing Monster

Soul Strangler is our main ranged damage dealer with four ranged attack damage and poison ability. I hid him in the back as there he is most likely to survive until the end of the battle and continue poisoning and hard hitting our enemies.
6th Slot - Ranged Damage Dealing Monster

Xenith Monk is a rare Chaos Legion reward card I used him in the last position as a meat-shield to protect against possible sneak attacks.
As expected we have Jared Scar on the opposing team. It was a strike of genius for them to use Quix as a summoner it nerfs our firepower considerably... Let's see how this will turn out...
In the first round we took out their tank and two other additional monsters and our tank died, but was resurrected and is now back to his original strength at the start of round two!
And in the round two it is a sudden death four our opponent as we win this game without losing a single card in the battle!
And we win a nice 9.688 SPS tokens and 629 Glint!
Super lineup!
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