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RE: Episode 117: An Azircon Conversation

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Azircon is always very educational on your podcasts. One of your previous podcasts where he was on is the reason I am now really paying attention to HIVE and accumulating HIVE Power. It is great how he talks about what to do as well as what not to do. I must admit that many of the things he talks about as mistakes that new people on HIVE do I have done and I don't think I am that new here...

 2 months ago  

Yo seattlea! I'm glad you find value here - Az is passionate about sharing his wealth of Hive knowledge with the community & we're happy to serve as a platform for that. It's never too late to learn somethin new about the ecosystem - I'm not so new either but still find myself learning something new just about every time I hop in here!