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RE: Upcoming Changes to the new Ranked Reward System

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I really like this and I think what a lot of people who are already crying are forgetting is that if you do happen to come across the correct cards for the daily focus or ability you will gain a bonus % per win above the normal amount of rshares normally given. At least that's how I understood the article reference.

"We are also considering changing the daily focus mechanic such that instead of an "all-or-nothing" system like it is currently, each win will always contribute rshares toward the daily focus chests even if no daily focus cards are used, however, each card used that follows the daily focus gives some type of bonus to the amount of focus points earned for that battle."

This means that not matter the daily ability or focus as long as we win we get credit towards our daily chests which I think is brilliant and then to top it off that bonus % added on top of getting the correct daily element is that much better so it will help us catch up faster.