A New Players Impression on Splinterlands

Hello, I have just started this game and I love the idea of earning crypto through gaming. While I find this game rather easy to get into, and I find the actual game play very fun and engaging I do have some qualms that I hope the dev team and community look into. The first think is a more robust FAQ or learning mechanism. There are a lot of mechanisms in this game and information on each of the mechanism is as decentralized as the game. A lot of aspects that should have fast and simple explinations requiere hours of reserch. Here are a few things I have struggled finding info on or still am working on finding out:

  • What are totems? What do they do and how do I get them?
  • How can you get land? ( I know that shop says sold out but after some research found you can get them on the hive engine)
  • How to transfer assests to and from the hive engine or any other system. ( It took a while to figure out you don't send stuff to your profile name but to steemmonsters)
  • What is the advantages and disadvantages in game of each splinter? How does this affect play style? The only time this was talked about was in the tutorial wich only covered 1 splinter.
  • What are champion points? How do you get them?
  • What are titles? How do you get them?
  • The entire guild system. Why does someone want to be in a guild? Is it fincacially benifical?
  • when in the market can I filter to see the price of an item or a rental price of an item in DEC or Credits?

These are a few things that I feel like are rather important to the game and yet no in game inforamtion. There are a lot of other topics that I feel like the game misses the information mark on but they feel more obscure.

The game does a lot of things right though and I don't want this to be a 'rag on the game' kinda post. I think the actual concept of the card game is cool and fun. Feels a bit (a lot) of RNG some times with you card or their card missing multiple key attacks in a row with neither card having a buff or de-buff to affect the hit. But I like the variety of strats that can be used and combined with the array of abilities. I have had a good time in the practice range expirimenting with a variety of teams and summoners and strategies and taking note of what kicked my teeth.

The art work and the interface are excellent. The art gives each card a wonderful sense of personality and coorilates to the cards power. The art for the rest of the game looks superb as well and I am excited to see how the lands look when they come out. The user interface and moving around in game works rather well too. I like the 'main menu' of things to do always being at the top of the screen and easy to access.

Overall I really enjoy the game. I have spent hours inthe practice mode just enjoying myself. As I keep exploring the game and its various mechanics and working through the information aspect I am sure I will keep enjoying this fine game and its crypto project. Cheers!


"when in the market can I filter to see the price of an item or a rental price of an item in DEC or Credits?"

Hopefully I can help with this one... try using peakmonsters.com

You can link to your splinterlands account to see your cards, sell them, rent them, etc.. You can also easily buy cards, fliter on a variety of attributes, and see how much DEC or Credits you have.

Thank you so much, this will make research so much easier!