Thanks for adding to the conversation in a thoughtful way!
That's how it should have worked all along with leveling up cards, but I think it's too late to change how many cards are needed for max level this late in the game. The people at the top of the pyramid would never go for that.
You're spot on. It's more expensive overall to play the game and the earnings are considerably lower than they've ever been. It's part of the reason it's unattractive to people to get into the game. The packs are expensive, and then you need thousands of them to get a max level deck. That's the price of a used car every year and a half to be competitive. Competing for what? Soulbound cards and a token that keeps going lower in value? It all comes to down to whether or not we have faith in the future price of SPS. Some of us do, but what reason do prospective new players have to be faithful that they're earning something that will be valuable?
And how fun is the game in general? Then how fun is it when you factor in the high costs of owning assets? And let's not forget all the drama. People constantly want to change everything about the game. That's got to be concerning for any potential new players as well.
And we're in a real tough place. Nothing seems like a great idea going forward. Keeping it expensive and the whales will act as a bandaid and get us through a few more years, but without a lot of new players, how long do we really have?
I don't think it's too late for this change, which I admit is very big. I would argue that soulbound reward cards and removal of leagues were as big or even bigger, though.
As for the people at the top, they have asked us to take hits over and over again for the good of the game. It's time they accept some changes that might not be so great for them personally.
I often hear the argument that whales are the people who bring the most revenue to the game. However, what are whales without the rest of the players? Whales are only interested in spending a lot so they can flex other players. It's very different to flex over 1000 players or 1 million players. Having a lot of other regular players is what can attract more and bigger whales.