Battle Mage Secrets: Never Miss

in Splinterlands2 years ago

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I'm here to share my Battle Mage Secrets blog post for the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. The theme featured this week is Aim True. In this ruleset, all creatures can't miss. I like the new initiative on this battle mage secrets as you don't have to force a card into the lineup. I also guess they were running out of Chaos Legion cards to feature every week. Anyways it's nice to have a change so without further a do, I will be sharing some strategies that are good to use in this ruleset as well as feature one of my battles under this ruleset.


Strategy For True Aim Ruleset

I feel the best lineups in true aim ruleset involve having speed. You want to be the first to attack since attacks are guaranteed to land. Ideally you want the attacks, to target and eliminate one monster first so maybe sneak, opportunity or just fully focus on the front target. You want to be fast as well as clear one of their monsters or more in round one which means that they will be having one less monster doing damage to you if you pull this off. This is usually good enough to give you the win. Some summoners I feel that are strong in this ruleset is Kelya, Jacek, Quix and Ilthain. For the monsters you want to focus those with high speed and good damage.


The Battle

I played this battle on my own account, shawnnft. The battle link can be found here. This battle is in brawl; the fray is #10 in tier 2 which is silver league untamed and chaos legion sets only. The ruleset for this battle was back to basics, aim true and tis but scratches. It was a 21 mana cap battle with earth and life elements banned.


Discussing My Lineup


First Position, Cursed Windeku - I chose Cursed Windeku for this position as it has strong solid stats for a tank. Since it's back to basics you want a frontline with good hp and speed. Cursed Windeku fit this role perfectly and for a good 6 mana.

Second Position, Life Sapper - I chose Life Sapper purely for the 2 magic damage as it can help clear any armor creatures. Since there's no abilities this was a good choice for damage in the second position since reach creatures can't be played.

*Third Position, Spirit Hoarder - The purpose of Spirit Hoarder was to be another magic damage and be the final tank before my ranged monsters get put at the front.

Fourth Position, Whistling Damon - The purpose of Whistling Damon was to add some ranged damage into the mix. It was possible that opponent could copy me with Thaddius or play Immortalis so having some ranged damage was to be safe for that. In addition to that, this card has good speed and with aim true it wouldn't miss.

Final Position, Soul Strangler - The main purpose for Soul Stranger was to be my heavy hitter. It's the backline card that has the most damage and it's quite safe at the back except for the chance of scattershot which only Jacek could do.


Did My Strategy Work?

Yes, my strategy worked. I chose to play Thaddius due to the back to basics ruleset as it's common for people to spam magic in this ruleset. Death also had a good mix of magic and ranged creatures for low mana with a solid 6 mana tank like Cursed Windek. I was able to out damage my opponent as I feel he played too many ranged creatures. They just kept dying at moving to the front where they couldn't attack. I'm not sure if I would try something differently next time. Maybe I would consider trying to use Quix instead of Thaddius but I think my lineup for this battle was already quite good.


Do I Like True Aim Ruleset?

To answer this, I'm somewhere in the middle with my feelings on this ruleset. I lose about half of the times in this ruleset for some reason and I guess I'm more used to the battles with more RNG. Sometimes this ruleset can be good for me too so it's hard to say. I guess whether I like it or not depends on whether I win or not.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new!

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referal link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.



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Other photo are screenshots from Splinterland in game


Nice work my friend.


THanks Shawn


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