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RE: Thoughts On Latest Proposals Regarding Bot & Battle Helpers

in Splinterlands2 years ago

We had riftwatchers to be priced in DEC fail in a proposal before. then we had it pass recently in a new one. In this case there was a lot that was against it but over time they changed their mind. I don't think it's impossible at all to overturn a decision. You are underestimated our community. You may think there's people voting for their self interested which there are and that's no surprise since it's human nature to be greedy but I think we have a majority that has a conscious voting for what is thought to be the greater good of the game. if it turns out that it isn't we can always change that as long as a majority agree.


That's different. A proposal can fail with 65% voting for and pass next time with 67% voting for. And sure, at the time, it failed with 43% voting in favor and now it passed with 91% voting in favor. However, if it was reversed, passed with 91% at first, trying to reverse with 57% in favor, the reverse would fail.

o.o we will see. theres no history so to say the reverse would fail. I think it would be fine to reverse and that it would pass easily if community wanted to