Good morning @splinterlands and Hive world, Pack flippers and money makers, Shoe back with some more sells and pack openings. Finally I got another Gold Legendary Drop, the Camila Sungazer and what I have noticed is a lot and I mean a lot of times you get a legendary in a pack, a gold common pops out only. So this on here surprised me, I got the gold common first and then boom the Gold Legendary. So I have been buying and selling for a few weeks again now and the market was real good but now the cards on market are getting to low, plus the fact that I went thru over 900 packs until I finally got another Gold Legendary. Now I did luck out so I'm not in a lose but still, need to get them gains back up there. Currently on the market their is only five of these and the lowest prices is $150. So with that said let's make a sale. Haha
Also on another note, I kept buying 110 packs for the bonus ten packs but seems that isn't really good in my experience. So I went back to doing what I do and now I got the drop, so for me maybe buying 110 every now and again is OK but I am just gonna pass on it and do what I do. Anyways it was nice to get back on track, now hopefully I can get this sold for a decent price, so if anyone is interested hit me up. This definitely gets my money into card investments and flipping back to where it needs to be, so lets get another, until then. Thanks for taking a look at my post on flipping Splinterlands cards and investments. Have a great Thursday and let's get it. One love...
Splinterlands Fan Art by Shoemanchu
Taking serious offers on my paintings too
You can also check out or purchase my NFT's too on @nftshowroom
Here is my collection:
Sunset Reflections of Timelessness
Here is my Artwork collection for sell on @nftshowroom
1 of 10 Painting of Gold Prince Julian Card
1 of 10 Pre-Paint Sketch Prince Julian
Pre-Paint Sketch
1 of 5 The Glimpse of a Moment of Timelessness
Photo turned into digital art painting
1 of 5 Botanical Garden
Photo turned into digital art painting
1 of 5 Vegas View's
Photo turned into digital art painting
1 of 5 The Explorer
Photo turned into digital art painting and is of me
1 of 5 Beach Life
Photo turned into digital art painting
1 of 5 A Moment In Time
Photo turned into digital art painting
1 of 5 Ahead of the Past
Actual Art Painting
1 of 10 City Reflections
Photo turned into digital art painting
Here is my referral link if interested in being part of the NFT Showroom as a collector or creator.
I am not a professional writer nor photographer nor Artist, I just want to do my best and show my work and my journey here with the community and I do appreciate each and everyone of you. You all have been so wonderful to me since I started all this creativity.
Once again Thank you for taking the time and checking out my post and following me on this journey. Always Blessed to be here and I want to continue creating the best content I can, sharing my thoughts and sights of pictures, art etc in my way. So many more to come and I hope you continue enjoying my posts, pictures and art. Until the next post, Thank you all, God Bless....
All photo's and art are my own and copyrighted unless quoted otherwise.
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NFT Showroom
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congrats shoe
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Great Collection - Good luck
wow sir, 900 pack are really great investment indeed. 🙏
You have a lot in your pocket indeed thanks for sharing
Well I am buying then selling, repeating it to get them or should I say trying. haha
That is great sir, you are doing great this is life 😁🙏
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Landed a BIG win on that one
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup finally, haha many packs to get it but all good. Thanks for stopping by, appreciate it.
WOW, from the first day that I join Splinterlands until now. I don't even got to 10 or 20 yet. That is sure a packs and it will be a lot of cards too.