Hi there Lovely and Creative People of Hive World,
Hope you all are fine and having an awesome day.
I am come up with an animated GIF of my drawing Spark Pixies
of #splinterlands.
And I Tokenize my GIF Image on #nftshowroom so you can buy it with full commercial copyrights...
GIF Image
Drawing/still image

Software I used :
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CS6 for drwaing/illustration
ADOBE IMAGE READY 7.0 for creating a GIF IMAGE

Steps :
I just use wrap tool on pixies to move them and create four moves of them to fit on the frames with different position of colours on background sparkling shapes

I have drawn and create GIF IMAGE of "Spark Pixies", Monster character of the game Splinterlands. Splinterlands is block chain based card game, where a player can earn crypto by winning battles and completing quests etc.
You can join the game by my Ref link and if you have any question, you can visit FAQ and you will find every answer that you need to know.

Hope You like it,
Thanks for the Visit

that looks awesome!! thinking about picking one up
Its my pleasure but sorry I only tokenized single edition and was sold :)
oh thats sad :( pls make more of them ;)!!
You can visit my gallery at NFT SHOWROOM for other Splinterlands character GIFs and Drawings :D
here is the Link
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Shining pixies, I love that move.
Have a nice day!Thanks for appreciation to my Work :) @yonilkar