SPS dropped on 26 October increased by 10.72%

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

SPS dropped today increased by 10.72%

Hi guys!
I noticed that yesterday(25 Oct), the amounts of SPS I received were decreased compared to today(26 Oct).

According my SPS calculation sheet on my google sheet, I found that yesterday there was only 989,725.29 SPS supplied. On the other hand, today I found that the amounts of SPS supplied was 1,095,867.37 SPS which mean that it increased by 10.72%.

If you are wonder how to get those numbers,
check this out >
This is my blog about the SPS calculation.

This is my calculation sheet on google sheet. You can use it as a template or a guideline to record you earning day by day.

Did you guys received more amounts compared to yesterday? please comment below!
