Man, I cashed out some SPS,and sold some land, but I didn't "cash out", and even with current market conditions and hindsight I still think holding what I did was the right move. If I had know land would be so far away I may have made different choices, but I don't think they would have worked out better than things are working out right now and going forward.
It doesn't feel like it to me, and hasn't for a long time, but this game is still in the early adoption era. There's still so much more room to grow. Our card game is about to become an empire building game, and I hope somewhere down the line they can figure out a way to add a character/hero building aspect to it as well. If not, they're certaily capable of launching a companion game, so maybe we'll be seeing more of those. I know 5 years is far from the beginning, but this whole environment still feels like just the beginning to me.
Good for you on some early sale. I always tell people to take some profits. Haven't spoken to you in a while and thanks for stopping by!
Lol, yeah, I've been in-between episodes and not spending a lot of time here lately. Still checking in to get my hide tanned in ranked, though.