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RE: Through the Eye

in Splinterlands2 years ago

This is assuming everyone wants to use their land, it's worth giving up rentals (rentals will shoot up due to less supply) and what the land produces is marketable.

I always did like simulation games, will this be the first one.. with magic money?

If summoners get so short in supply, can you imagine the value, both selling and renting? It might be more profitable to do this than harvest the land. The first iteration will swing one way, or another. It will take some time to balance it.


Yeah, I assume many will not use it all, as Azir said, a lot will lay vacant. Unfortunately, no squatters rights :D

If summoners get so short in supply, can you imagine the value, both selling and renting? It might be more profitable to do this than harvest the land

Exactly. So for those who don't have land, they might be in for decent profits too, but I assume that if those with Land chase the rent profit, the profits for those remaining on the land will increase also. With the right balance, it would be a pretty interesting economy.