Thanks for the recap and our discussion about land!
I think one big thing was the potential of new exposure to new players via partnerships with NFTY and other Gaming Guild/Businesses. We need to do a better job of finding new asset owners/players.
A rental market where we can rent the complete deck might be problematic (and benefit BOT farm owners). What if an account can only rent some cards based on the total asset owned?
For Example:
If you own 20 cards, you can rent up to 5 cards.
If you own 100 cards, you can rent up to 10 cards.
If you own 200 cards, you can rent up to 20 cards.
So the rental market is still a free market system, but the right to rent is based on ownership of the game assets.
I'm sure others will let me know their ideas. Remember that I own cards, and I also RENT them to others. I want to see rental PRICE move up. I don't think our current rental market system is working and we need to look for answers that solve it for ASSET owners.