CLOSED! New SPS giveaway by solymi and a guide to Splinterlands discord

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

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Hello Splintersharders!

What a week it has been. I am a bit late with my announcement of the winner.
There was a lot to do and even more to think about. @Gigas Zachary one of our Officers in the guild of @acolytesofhelio passed away. His abrupt death, shocked us all and this is one of the reasons why I am late with the giveaway.

If you want to leave some thoughts for his parents or just want to say goodbye to him you can do it HERE under the post of @clove71

Be sure to join the memorial tournament that can also be found in that post.

TLDR? Well just read or stay stupid!

I mean it dear people! Every day thousands of new users are entering the Arena in Mount Mox and most of them do not have a clue of anything, and why? Because they did not take the time to read into the project they just invested blindly in hopes of 1000x ROI tomorrow...

Please! I encourage you all to read before you invest! This way you will know that the little clock sign next to a card means that you will not be able to use it in ranked battles! So before renting a card for precious DEC or credits (yes you can use credits too, you would know that if you would read...) do some research for your own sake!

Ok but where is the info?

Well there is several ways to get to information:

  • search engines
  • the splinterlands community on any hive frontend

Yes Discord is the number one place you all enter when you first come to splinterlands.
And you get to the welcome page and there is an automated message:

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This way a lot of your questions will be answered! Most of the questions that get asked daily for about 3465875327472937631785387427 times would not even be posted if people would take the time to read!

By the way I am there often and I have a whole cheatsheet where all the links are and a lot of screenshots that I can just post.
But you know what my most frequent answer is?

If you are looking for a guild: #guild-general is the place!
If you want to sell cards on peer to peer market: got to #buy-sell
Reading the server channels helps you navigating the wild seas of Splinterlands discord

If you do not find an answer to your question in all these channels:
Ask, it is not forbidden! But it is really exhausting to all members having to answer the same questions again and again and again. And as I said: most of these questions wouldn't even pop up if players would do their due diligence.

TLDR? You are not to be helped sorry for you and your friends and family...

Wen giveaway?


Ok so last time I asked you to answer a question. These are the players who can read and did not miss the question:

@ace.kique aka @acekique
@cgrave aka @cgravy
@edham551 aka @cash4nudes


thats all of them and the winner is:

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the winner iiiiiiiiis

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@koition! congrats to you sending 10 $SPS your way!


Next giveaway is going to be huge!

Luv to you all I am off!

There are 2 pages

ma favorite death monster is PHANTASM because this is the only one i own ^^ :D

I am new to the SplinterLands community, but I love the game so far and everyone seems cool.

PS: Twisted Jester is one of my favorites!

Love a gorglon and his pumped recently

RIP Gigas :(

Undead Rexx @seyfert

Phantasm would be my Death monster of choice! @extraliel

Gigas will be missed greatly hoping aggy and the team name a card after him would love to see him immortalized in the game he loved most.
My favorite death monster would definitely be ancient lich

Discord really has a massive of info I spent my time reading there a lot!
My favorite death monster (and I'm sure it's a first choice for newbie when playing death) is Haunted Spirit! Can't imagine a game without one :)

Thank you for the giveaway.
IGN: @sixpsy

My favorite Deathmonster is Ancient Leech, the first and only legendary card I got out of a daily quest chest.
ign: @summoner-cha
thanks for the contest

My favorite has to be Ancient Lich. I wish I had it! <3

RIP Gigas! :(

Twister Jester is my guy. Who doesn't love some dark, crazy, clown-looking dude for their battle? :D
IGN: @thilo-zoran

My favorite monster is Twisted Jester, iusually use it in my matchs xD @amaillo-m

My favorite death monster is twisted jester.

Mimosa Nightshade isn't bad.

Twisted Jester for sure.
Thanks for the giveaway.

I like the idea of Vampire, sometimes not so much his implementation.

my favorite is haunted spirit..very beginner friendly and it can help ur team survive as long as no enemy with snipe sneak :D

Death Monster huh? hmm.. I really like the dark enchantress!

My favorite is Ancient lich

My favorite is Haunted Spirit

Anyone else not managing to upvote clove71's post?



Twisted Jester! @rubenleong

My deepest condolence to the friends and family of @Gigas.

Going with Ancient Lich. Thanks. @squishna

Favorite card under the death splinter is twisted jester. Condolence to the gigas fam.

Sweet, my favourite Death Monster right now, in Gold, is either Undead Rexx or Grim Reaper:

Grim Reaper really just shuts down a lot of sustain comps in one single attack. It's nice to shut down Sea Monster, Cerberus, Haunted Spirit, Flesh Golem, (Kron if he's not with Llama!) etc. Plus it completely invalidates a lot of player's Wood Nymphs, Crustacean Kings, and Divine Healers too. The few times I see a matchup with Sacred Unicorn, he also helps greatly.

Then there's Undead Rexx, who has a massive health pool and is just tanky enough to potentially completely ruin somebody else's team with a trample. And in the trample modifier he's just so fun.

Also, RIP Gigas

My favorite death card is haunted spirit. A very convenient card for both newbies and oldies. It has low mana cost and has a great ability when leveled up. Thank you for the giveaway. My IGN is @boksdino.

I’m gonna have to go with Phantasm!

Mine is the great Zintar! No extra melee curse!

My fav death monster is Lord of Darkness. Thanks @mcgilli

lol, reading other comments makes me feel so noob :D my favourite death monster has gotta be undead priest.. since i started incorporating him, lots of battles became much flawless :) ign: dusi, cheers!

I don't have one, yet, but a Corrupted Pegasus is pretty spectacular.

People are lazy. So hard to read.
One of my favorites is The Gorlodon.

My favorite death Monster is Grandpa ANCIENT LICH.
RIP Gigas, we all love you.

First of all condolence for Gigas family and may he rest in peace. And What I want the most but I dont have is Ancient Lich.

My favorite death monster? It's really a hard choice between Cthulhu and Phantasm flips coin for this contest, I'll say Phantasm. @half-fast.

Dark haon!
Sadly I dont have it... I think I'll buy it. I fell in love with it after the share your battle two week ago.

Also I didnt know Zachary but how you all care for him is so touching and heartbreaking.

I haven't used a lot of the death monsters, but Boogeyman has been pretty useful.

My favourite is Giant scorpion. @fiiii

my favorite is haunted spirit, low cost mana for a 7 hp with heal and 2 melee is op

Mimosa. Tho she's not really a monster. Hmm. Undead Rex is quite the monster aint it? Yup. Who doesn't like dinsaurs!

i would've upvoted that post even without the giveaway.....
anyway, my favorite death monster is the haunted spirit. he's a staple whenever i use the splinter.

My favorite is the Robo-Dragon Knight :D


Im only just started, my favorite is Bone Golem . IGN mrronald
Sorry for the loss of Zachary and everyone who knew him

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My favourite Death monster is without a doubt the Twisted Jester.

My favourite is the Gorlodon, because it's big and mean.
RIP Gigas: I didn't get the chance to know him, but it's always too early to lose someone.

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