Welcome back to my blog everyone and thank you for looking in if this is you’re first time.
So let’s start of with the last brawl result, this was slightly below average for me with only 4 wins out of the 9 battles I competed in.
Our Guild only won 4 crowns and the merits and SPS rewards were lower than previous results. I’m not sure if this is related to the changes to the reward system and the SPS staking benefits or if this was because not everyone in the guild fully completed there battles or took part in the Brawl???
Account updates
I now have a second account @sparkyontherun, the idea behind this was mainly so I can keep playing once I’ve use up all my energy from my main account. But I now Know I just use up all my energy on both accounts and have to stop playing anyway unless I buy more. The other reason for having two account is that I can use peaked.com and have just that little extra power for blogging, voting and entering giveaways. Note I’m only entering into giveaways with one account at any one time I don’t want to be seen as cheating.
And finally thanks go out to the following -
@metronet thank you for the giveaway of 10 DEC much appreciated.
@dk1trade for the giveaway of the Pelacor Deceiver card, now the first owned card for my account @sparkyontherun thank you & congratulations to @kahyazhe who also won a Venari Heatsmith.
And thank you to everyone else holding giveaways this is great for the community and players trying to build there pack who don’t have the $$$ to invest.
Until the next time thank you for reading & follow me for more.