
100% win rate and playing all gold Alpha cards? Not that Alpha cards can beat CL cards but somehow or other they've worked it out.

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Tried to calculate with their formula. Seems not able to get a reasonable result of RShare /win. Seems only way is to wait untill 31st May to know.

There is a lot here that isn't adding up. I listened to the AMA front to back. Its amazing how exciting it all sounds but the math never seems to add up.

I missed the town hall but looked at their summary. The point that I could not figure out is what will the theoritical chest qty a human player can get with their deck status. They only simply say max is 150 chests. This to me at glance is impossible at all. So looking for an explanation. Not sure whether they touched it during talking.

By Advancing- that is the only way.
As an example, let's say you have a GREAT deck- like, CHAMP lb quality deck
for one season, you stay in Gold- the whole season
the next season you just.... GO!!! It won't take long to climb up into Champs and even up to the 'average' rating for Champs (Since you have a GREAT deck)
Well, once you 'rest' your account for a day or two to recover your ECR.... Every win is, basically, a chest
Play 30 games/day
Win 10/day
15 day Season- 150 (Gold) chests at EOS

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10 wins/day . Prob will not possible to get you 150chests EOS.
I did a rough calculation. See how far away from the reality.

Calculate the realistic Chest QTY and condition to get 150 Chest.

I see that- 70K Rshares/win
18K Rshares/chest

Which is.... app. 3.8 Chests/win
50 wins/Season- 150 EOS chests, right?

The RShare per chest is not a fixed value. Eg. It's proportion/exponentially increased. If you look at the Matt' table in announcement you will find RShare of 10chest is more than RShare of 1 chest by 10 times.

For average players, not possible to get 150 chest Eos. Several people , include myself ,calculation. Seems max 50-70chests eos is most likely the case for average player's max earning. This requires 30wins per day.

What if you Advance?
Say, earn Bronze chests while you are in Gold?
In that case- you earn 13K+ Rshares/win and 100 chests is 900K
10 wins/day over 15 days= 1,950K Rshares
Which SHOULD be enough for 150 chests

Probably will be same. Because you will be calculated in one league.

Means , if you advance to gold league, then you will get the gold chest.

Unless your meaning is that you are in bronze league but never advanced and keep increasing the rating to the same level of gold. In the announcement they do mention that each league will have a cap rating. So you will be only able to earn cap level RShare even you have higher rating than the cap.

But this cap rating for each league, so far we do not have this information.

And also don't miss the ECR effect. Each game played(loss will drop more than win) will reduce your ECR by avg 1%
So this results your winrate matters a lot.

you.... should maybe, read the release?
Players earn chests of the Highest League they achieved in the previous Season.

So, if you were in Bronze during the previous Season- you will earn Bronze chests, at the Bronze chest rate- no matter what League you are in.

"If you advance to Gold League, then you will get the Bronze chest (if Bronze was the highest League you achieved during the last Season)"