😅 unfortunately, this is what i did just because of my conservative characteristics. i have few friends, all doing on rental, and get way more than what i get.
feel a bit uncomfortable of continue putting money in. i do believe there are a lot players like me have the same feeling. if things will not change, people will start to turn to something else as what you are recommending the better return rather than owning cards.
Good for you. Gaming investment is new to me. Before, investing was simple buy/sell and what of it. Now if I sell I have to rent to play and that’s not what I expected gong do in. This will be bad for renting if no one is holding cards to rent out. The drop of value is worse than profits made from renting.
And for the bots. “Bots need cards too” is a bs excuse for this FLAW.
Okay bots need cards. Now everyone is just botting. This is no fun. Only way to get ahead is to bot. Who want to play that? Less people than whom like to play card games that’s for sure. This game will turn into bot vs bot with poor chums that just bought in and realize they cannot compete against AI. Thus a tanking the value of the cards and next the game is broke with none whom want to play and the cards cannot be given away, because who want to watch bot fight.
really consequence of bots is that new players will be scared to get in this game. eventually will kill the source of reward. then im wondering how AMA can make the money without new players getting in and increase the reward for existing players.
Exactly, no new players, bots with AI and play-to-lose model is an impending disaster. Esport out the window.
So that's why, ANA. Need to do something for bots. If allow them because bots can help the game keep running rather than waiting, then they can hire them as outsource with fix hiring rate without destroying the gaming balance.