In my eyes this passing will return us to the archaic days of splinterlands where its run by personal bots and parties that represent breaking the rules in favor of personal gain. In my eyes Battle Helper is a legitimate sheriff in a lawless land, who plays by the rules and sets an example and a president, on how it is appropriate to do such things in game. If we vote for the banning of helper we are voting for a cartel of rule breaking opportunists to come forth and fill their places and that u cannon detect, like well trained assassins who care more about filling their goals then caring abt the integrity of SPL.

The X-Bot (BH) dev will gladly work with rulesets and help integrate all all related and aforementioned services and automated provisions, instead of banning "HELPERS" like the latest spreading of covid, reach out to him and lets get a solution that can become part of SPLINTERLANDS for the long term and represent a solid and healthy progression towards stability and inclusion. In this AGE on earth inclusion and making space are the values we must be cultivating, banning and other forms of justifiable segregation are a shadow we need to be working out by this time in our human existence, for the real test here is how we represent ourselves as a COMMUNITY and tho we may not represent the other members of our COMMUNITY they are still part of it and part of us and learning how to find that space with in us to make space for them, is our challenge on earth at this time, so lets face that challenge and INCLUDE while following the rules we have made together.

Make space for it don't ban it


X-Bot and BH is our friend work with them they represent the positive change


The main flaw in your argument is you are siding with the people you are afraid of returning to power. Have you even looked at the vote and seen who is voting for and against it before making such a statement?

In my eyes this passing will return us to the archaic days of splinterlands where its run by personal bots and parties that represent breaking the rules in favor of personal gain.

I'm not sure you realize this, but you can use XBOT for Wild play. That reward pool is 50% of the game's total distribution. So battle helpers and bots are free to play in half of the ways to play ranked with no problem.

I hope you aren't suggesting that your way of playing is the only mode of play that is acceptable and thus requires 100% of the pool. But if so, then that's fine. Everyone has their own eyes to see the world how they want.