Greetings summoners! The time is nearly upon us for the legions of Chaos to flood over the Splinterlands and annihilate everything in their path. Dr. Blight will be joining the fray tomorrow along with an entirely new set of monsters and summoners.
We’re excited to finally be able to share our most ambitious expansion to date with you. There has been a lot of buildup for this moment and while it feels like a huge milestone, we want you to know that there is so much more to come. We’re already hard at work on Land, governance, Rift Watchers, and more.
The team wishes to thank all of you for joining us on this journey and being a part of changing not only our lives, but the lives of so many people around the world that benefit from Splinterlands. A moment of celebration for the hard work of the entire team in getting us to this point and to hitting this huge milestone. We are also eternally grateful to the community that is making all of this possible. We wouldn’t be able to do this without you all.
We hope that you are as excited for Chaos Legion as we are and we look forward to your thoughts and feedback upon release. It gets said all the time, but this is just the beginning. The developments we have in the works are going to grow the entire scope of Splinterlands massively and we can’t wait to share them with you! Thanks again for joining us on this adventure!

Click Here for the latest Chaos Legion updates
I've been waiting for this moment since I first started in September. Haven't yet had the pleasure of opening a pack. Can't believe it's finally here!
Same situation here!!
If only i didnt need a $14.5 voucher. this makes things more difficult because i just transferred a but ton of dec for packs
legend gold together lets go
Good luck opening your first packs 😁🤞🏾
Thankfully the opening happens while I’m asleep, can expect some serious lag with the sheer volume lol
Same here unless I wake up early. Good luck with your packs 😁
Thanks man, you too! I don't think I'll be waking up early, I'm excited for sure but don't want to wake up and realize it's laggy hahaha I'd rather figure that out on a good nights sleep!
Fingers crossed for some good gold foils for you! How many packs did you manage to get?
Did you buy more than you expected to? Keen for more?
Yeah the alarm is unchanged, will see what time I surface.
460 I could open tomorrow - tempted to buy a fair few more in the next phases. I heard this one is a good thing 😄
That's great! I got 100 packs myself but definitely plan to buy more in this second phase of the presale since it gives me more vouchers. I've been socking away HBD and other things in hopes to use it to get packs. I'm prepared to withdraw all of my HBD from savings to snag as many packs as I can lol I have 160k credits so that's enough for 40 packs right now.
Also stacking 50k DEC but I'd rather save that if I could!
From what I hear the final phase is going to sell fast, and that this is the phase to get what you can.
They are pricey if you include voucher price!
Pooling on tribaldex has been quite fruitful, but it's the vouchers people will want this week I think.
Yeah I know lol I'm hoping my 12k SPS and increasing daily will be able to give me a good edge on getting the packs! I was getting about 2 vouchers per day at the end of the last one so I'm hoping that I'm getting 4 or a bit more a day.
The general sale is going to be a shitshow hahaha I hope it doesn't sell out in the first hour of general sale launch lol
How much Chaos will be coming :) tons of new players I hope!
Everyone wants to get in at ground zero, well here comes your chance :)
Excited! Keep up the good work!
super excited! :)) Thanks for all the work!
We cant wait any longer to finally see the cards in real time! More power Splinterlands!
I'll be able to open My packs?
Yes mate!
fired up!!
Dr Blight on his way to the airdrop
I am so READY for This @splinterlands
Where did you get that photo of @summertooth from?
Somewhere out randomly on the Internet, It's a Good Thing that I Copied it because I can't seem to find it again.............
looking forward to the launch, exciting :)
anyone know if we have to wait untill tommrow or just when the timer hits zero ?
Timer hits zero!
GREAT work, team... And community! Splinterlands for Life!
Very excited for Chaos Legion - Great job to the whole team!! bring on the Legion, if they set foot on my lands they will die by the sword!
Counting the hours! Chaos Legion is awesome from the sneak peak @flauwy was so nice to share with us from the Mavs test server. :)
Yessss, finally a fresh meat 👀
I am with Uul on this!
It's going to be a short night for me, but I will get up exactly for the packs launch time!
can't wait to open my 1 pack lol.. thanks for the hard work😃
Thank you to the whole team who is becoming too big to name individually but you really are helping change our lives and all those around us - thank you and congratulations on the success 😀
I can't wait to see what Dr Blight brings to the game!
Why 11 hours are too long?
New season! New cards! New meta! This is going to be epic and it just keeps getting better and better!
Let's go!
Thank you so much for an awesome game!
Congrats team for the Chaos Legion release! Aswell, thank you for continuing to make an outstanding game for all of us to enjoy. Can't wait to see what comes next!
Let's GO!!!
Excited to see how the cards will change the game and the new play styles that will appear. Good luck to everybody participating in Chaos Legion!
Looks like more fun than I am normally allowed to have!
Woot woot! Super pumped for the chaos :P Can't wait to open my first packs! GL All. Thank you devs and community <3
So excited about this, can't wait to open my first packs! 😋
I am hoping to get some decent cards with the reach ability so my 2nd position will be stronger :-D
Finally a chance at a few packs. Missed the boat on the presale, but phase 2 will be better.
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This gonna be my first time opening a pack, feeling like i'm in the 90's with a brand new pack of pokemon cards to open! :D
Thank you to the team that made splinterlands what it is.
Best of luck to you all!
Excitement is on for the sale.
I'm excited to live stream my pack's opening to my friends! Hoping to get some good cards so that I can give some Christmas gifts to my family too!
Unleash the Kraken!
Hello there!
I have seen that a big part of the collection has come into Shadow mode, that enables players to test how much everything will impact. My question is, how can we switch the format into Modern and Wild? Or now is only modern enabled? Thank you very much and congratz for the release!!