Dear Splinterlands Community,
A few of you might already be encountered one of my special daily posts. In this article, I would like to describe them in a little bit more detail.
SplinterTrends is my hobby web application. Its primary goal is to show the recent price changes of Splinterlands cards. My original goal was to help traders and recreational players make better buy/sell decisions. It is a completely free service, but several features require a login.
You can read about it in these articles:
Basic functionality in SplinterTrends
Private feature in SplinterTrends
Falling & rising card prices
In SplinterTrends two key features are showing the "falling" (🔥) and "rising" (🚀) prices. Cards with these special prices are the best currently known buying or selling opportunities.
A price is "falling", if it's less than or equal to the smallest low price from the previous 14 days. It's a good opportunity if you are thinking about buying the card in question.
A price is "rising", if it's greater than or equal to the biggest low price from the previous 14 days. It's a good chance to make a good profit by selling the card. (You should be aware that the profit depends on your original cost too).
Splinterlands Discount Hunter
The first newsletter is about the top falling prices at the time of writing the article. Currently, it contains the top 5 falling prices for each rarity (common, rare, epic, and legendary) grouped by foil (regular, gold). If you are looking for good buying opportunities, this newsletter is for you 😉.
Splinterlands Profit Hunter
The second newsletter is the opposite of the previous one. It contains the top 5 rising prices for each category. If you are interested in good selling opportunities, this might be interesting. Sometimes there are 3-digit percent price blasts (which are most of the time price pumps). It's not impossible to make a profit from them, so it's worth paying attention to them.
Min/max/average/current prices and price change
In both newsletters, the opportunities are ordered by their price change. For each card you can find the following information:
- Min price: The smallest low price from the past 14 days
- Max price: The biggest low price from the past 14 days
- Average price: The average of low prices (it's calculated from about ~150 prices)
- Current price: The currently known low price
- Price change: The current price's difference from the average price.
In the next week, I would like to make a community-building game with card giveaways. At the time of writing this article, I looked up the most expensive regular common cards for each element (Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, Dragon, and Neutral). These cards can be won easily during the week by performing simple tasks. Stay tuned!
I hope that these newsletters will be useful and fun for you. It's not 100% that they will be posted every day, I'm a human, not a machine (yet) 😊.
If you have any ideas related to these newsletters or the site itself, leave a comment to me. Everything is welcome 😊
Thanks for reading this!
Happy browsing!
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice