Well I think Naga Assassin will be better in higher levels, as I did not play dragon cards in bronze league. But it is at least cheap card. In the meantime I would rent it out.
I want to play for at least a year, so I would keep the card and look forward to upgrade it. It will have backstab, and with it's fast speed it has a good chance to dodge an attack. Pair it with Brighton Bloom, a summoner which gives flying to all cards, and you will have a card which might hit multiple times in one round with a bit of luck ;)
Well I think Naga Assassin will be better in higher levels, as I did not play dragon cards in bronze league. But it is at least cheap card. In the meantime I would rent it out.
I want to play for at least a year, so I would keep the card and look forward to upgrade it. It will have backstab, and with it's fast speed it has a good chance to dodge an attack. Pair it with Brighton Bloom, a summoner which gives flying to all cards, and you will have a card which might hit multiple times in one round with a bit of luck ;)