Survival Prep: TANKS very much! (Water edition πŸ’§)

in Splinterlands β€’ last month (edited)

"TANKS very much!" series. If you read the previous post on Day 1, you know I promised (to try πŸ˜…) to post seven quality posts in seven days. Covering what? Covering the most hidden-value, most under-appreciated tanks for you to deepen your bench, and prepare to survive Season 1 of Survival. Today we'll DIVE IN and look for the best deals on water splinter tanks.#SURVIVAL preppers! It's Day 2 of the

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The water splinter is one of my favorite splinters in this game. Just like the water is one of my favorite things irl. Perfect match!

First though, do you like otters? 🦦

This is a critical question chat. Because seriously, unless you're missing a heart like the tin-man, or you've never seen a otter mom preening it's newborn pup, then your answer to that question better be yes.

Me? I love them so much 😍 They're like water dogs, srsly. I see them all the time + seals, sea lions, dolphins and a whole bunch of awesome IRL Water Creatures at the Elkhorn Slough near where I live in California. Btw I don't know how you pronounce that word, but if you ever visit us here, we pronounce it "sloo" (as in, "a cow says moo"). If you visit and want to blend, def don't say it like "plow" or "pow"... That's a sign saying tourist.

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I spend a decent amount of time at a nature preserve called the Elkhorn Slough. It basically looks like this, not kidding. It even featured recently in the famous science journal Nature. Despite what you might hear on the news, California is a beautiful place. We put a high priority on nature and preserving native plants and wildlife. Don't go to Oakland πŸ’€ ever... And LA is facing some tough times right now. But everywhere else is pretty much paradise jmo.

Anyway the Elkhorn Slough (sloo) is this very water splinter-y πŸ’§ nature reserve. I spend a decent amount of time there volunteering with a group that restores native plant habitat, AND watching super cute adorable otters play in the eel grass, break open clams with their cute paws, and generally do a million other amazingly cute otter things. If you even happen to be driving highway 1 in california (between san francisco and monterey) and you want to know exactly where to pull over and be guaranteed to see at least like 2-3 otters within 2-3 minutes, dm me. I'll show you google earth sat images of exactly where to pull over. The local secret spot!


This is where you can see so many otters that eventually you'll be like "seriously dude, once I've seen 100 otters... I think that's enough" There's just so many! Otter overload! Birthing season is the most fun time 😍

Also btw, if you're an American and ever shopped at that "surf" brand store called Hollister... notice where Hollister actually is? It's for cowboys. Not surfers. Nowhere near the ocean. Some more good local info for you. Lots or horses and cattle there though! Cowboy country for real. Personally I love it there and I'm also there relatively often 🐎 But yeah, it's not where surfers tend to hang out.

On that map? The surfers will all be in Santa Cruz. The really, really good surfers will be on the remote beaches north of Santa Cruz. But you can't see those on this map!

πŸ’§ Best value water TANKS for Survival

Okay. Enough about the water and water creatures irl πŸ’§ Let's get to what you're here for and DIVE in the best deals on hidden-value water splinter tanks to build out your deep bench Survival collection!

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In the next section, we'll look at a few of the best, most undervalued πŸ’§ water splinter tanks on the market today. Some of the best tanks in the game come from the rivers, lakes and seas.


Srsly, if I was going to make a top recommendation for a value tank based on current price, here it is. Diemonshark is another tank (similar to Forgotten One) that's just barely "B-list" despite the B-list price. I would probably call it A-list but also... $3.27 for a max copy? Whatever. I say take it. That is EXACTLY the kind under-appreciated value we're looking for.

Who hasn't personally seen this angry predator fish win entire battles on his own? Retaliate, enrage, and trample can make for some pretty good killing sprees. And Diemonshark is the one usually doin' the killing 🦈 not bein' killed. That's perfect for your Survival tank. Load up if you can.

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It's almost unfair to characterize Diemonshark as a B-lister. Even though he's going for B-list prices. I mean, $3.27 for a max? 3x copies under $4? If you're serious about Survival and you don't have a deep bench of water tanks yet, consider buying those.

Cruel Sethropod

This card might seem like a pretty weak B-list tank. It all fairness, it is a B-list tank... in high mana battles. In low mana battles though? This angry crustacean can take a lot of damage for 3 mana, before having to go onto death cooldown πŸ’€ A hard-to-kill, low mana, low cost tank for Survival? Skipping like a record here but... Yes, please. This exactly the kind of boring, yet solid addition we're looking for to deepen your bench. Keep an eye out for crazy deals too, sometime they get even lower than this!

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This card gets played a lot as a 1st line tank. It can take a lot of damage before going down. Honestly, that's what we're looking for. Especially considering the low mana cost, and how many low mana battles we're getting lately. You know what else I love? $3.97 for a max copy and 3x copies under $5. Grab them if you can.

Even though it's crazy that somehow a max Cruel Sethropod (common) is MORE expensive than a max Diemonshark (rare) just don't fight it. Take the deals as they come!

Djinn Oshannus

Let's just say one thing up front. If this card weren't so massively overprinted, there's absolutely no way you'd be getting it for this price. Around $5 for a max copy. Just slightly above burn value ️‍πŸ”₯ Wow. I mean, this guy has the speed to dodge melee, ranged AND magic attacks (phase). When he has to, he takes magic damage like a champ (void). And he is generally pretty hard to kill, except via death by a million cuts (forcefield). Also, oh yeah, did I mention... He's legendary! Don't forget, legendary rarity cards come off death cooldown faster than all others.

Plus I mean, let's be real. Oshannus is 100% an A-list tank that you just happen to be LUCKILY enough to be able to get for B-list prices. Again, that's only becuase of the overprint, but if your focus is Surival prep than who cares? If you want to be ready to survive Season 1 of Survival, then $5 for a max legendary A-list water tank is something you don't question. You just do it. Then do it again. Then do it 10x more times if you're gonna survive. If Survival becomes a long-term game in the Splinterlands ecosystem, you'll probably never be sad to have too many cheap copies of this guy for your water tank.

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Djinn Oshannus can only be characterized as a top-tier A-list tank. Despite that, you can get him at near B-list prices because of the massive overprint on this powerful and versatile Chaos Legion reward card. Right now you can get multiple max copies for around $5.50.


In the next installment, we'll LEAF behind fire and water and venture DEEP INTO THE FOREST looking for the best deals on hidden-value earth splinter tanks for Survival! 🌳 No doubt, some of the best tanks in the game come from the deep, dark (apparently very, very fungus-filled) forests and jungles of Splinterlands.

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In the next installment, we'll look at a few of the best, most undervalued 🌳 earth splinter tanks for Survival.

Until then my friends, go out and grab these water tanks. If there's any great deals I missed for Survival, post in the comments. Until the next installment... Until tomorrow then... Survive and stay alive! πŸ’ͺ

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As always @star-shroud, a well written post with some great insights!!

Your art is top notch and that's a sweet bonus on top of the great piece :)

Thanks man, the art is def one of my fav parts. Almost my favorite part! It's also nice to be able to share some personal stuff, sometimes about my real life. It's nice to be able to be a little bit more of myself here. It feels a lot friendlier than discord for example.

That's otterly ridiculous... 😏

But yeah, it's a different vibe ya know :)

In the end you write good stuff... keep writing and I looked at your recent posts... You got some big rewards in there!!

I know it's not all about the rewards... but it feels good to be compensated for the time invested... the real reward is the enjoyment people get from reading it.

Solid content buddy. I enjoy writing and it seems you do too :)

Otterly 😍 ... i think that's why we get each other lol