starterset cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 2 years ago

Todd McFarlane's SPAWN Might Be On Its Way To Wreak Havoc On The Splinterverse

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Yes you read that title correctly and yes that Spawn, simply awesome. Markets might be dipping and our Splinterland assets are certainly feeling that pinch but that hasn't stopped the Splinterlands team from delivering awesomeness to the Splinterverse. Recently lots of good news has been released such as the current Road Map and details about the upcoming new card set but the announcement that interested me the most and might of flew under the radar of some is that there is a possibility that SPAWN will be introduced to the Splinterverse. How and when (I have no clue) but I have a feeling if the Splinterlands team and Todd McFarlane can come to an agreement its likely we see a SPAWN card as a Special Edition NFT similar to how the WAKA card was introduced (just a guess I have no inside information). I for one am excited to hear this news. Due to the dipping financial markets I have passed on many of the recent purchase opportunities Splinterlands has presented. However if I see a SPAWN card being introduced you can bet your A$$ I'm going to figure out a way to add it to my collection.

Who Is Todd McFarlane?

Todd McFarlane is a Canadian comic book creator, artist, writer, filmmaker and entrepreneur, best known for his work as the artist on The Amazing Spider-Man and as the creator, writer, and artist on the superhero horror-fantasy series Spawn. More Info Here:

Who Is Spawn?

Spawn is a superhero/antihero appearing in a monthly comic book of the same name published by American company Image Comics, as well as in a number of films, television series, and video game adaptations set in the Image Universe. Created by Todd McFarlane, Spawn first appeared in Spawn #1 (May 1992). More Info Here:

On a personal note I must have watched the SPAWN movie over a dozen times. The scene where the Clown picks up and eats a tossed out maggot filled slice of Pizza gets me every-time (I despise maggots).

Spawn Movie Trailer

What Is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a blockchain game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets. Click here to get started with Splinterlands.

Spawn Concept Art

The concept art posted above was originally posted in This Post and looks very cool. I like all the concepts but I believe image One most resembles the Spawn Characters likeness. Image five would be my second pick as to which art most resembles the SPAWN Character. That being said Image Four (which is the main image displayed in the screenshot above) is very cool as well. I wouldn't want to be the person deciding the final image in the event that SPAWN does get introduced because all these concept arts are amazing. The good news is Splinterlands introduces new sets *yearly so its possible we can have different "variants" of the SPAWN character which could see many different art concepts being introduced.


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Recent SPL RoadMap

The most recent updated SPL roadmap can be seen above. Looking at what is to come: the first quarter of 2023 there is a few things that stand out to me. Those things being: (1) SPS delegation being possible; this opens up the possibility of a new market that could be created in which renting our SPS might be possible (2) Land: any land updates are appreciated; personally I'd like to see card staking available sooner rather than later (3) SoulBound cards are on their way. I for one am in favor of Soulbound cards but I want ways such cards can be unbound. The way in which I'm most in favor of is by using a Voucher to unbind. I don't see how unbinding them any other way would be beneficial in the long term. For example some are suggestion to unbind Reward Cards once they are out of print. Doing that will put us right back in the same position we currently are in as soon as the first set of Soulbound cards are out of print and flood the market. Another suggestion was to allow us to burn the Soulbound cards for DEC but that creates more DEC and we already have too much of that in circulation. Lets hear you thoughts on all this. Are you excited for a potential SPAWN introduction? Soulbound cards; are you for or against? Any other thoughts on the shared Roadmap? If so feel free to share those thoughts in the comment section below.

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