I love Splinterlands, so much that I would love to join a guild and interact with people inside of the platform. There is a problem though. 100% of the open guilds are full, the invite only ones are....invite only.... and the dozen open "by request" guilds are either dead or never respond. Yes, you can start your own guild for 10,000 DEC.
BUT is this how the game was supposed to pan out? Looking at the price history of DEC/USDT paints a very different picture. To be fair, I don't know if the DEC price to form a guild has ever fluctuated as I've only been playing a month. As of today it's 10,000 DEC, the current price is $0.0078592700 per DEC. It's almost at 1 cent! The price to form a guild is now roughly $78.50.
In May, the price was roughly 1/11th of that at $.000611, or the price of creating a guild at $6.11 USD.
If the price of the spellbook fluctuated that much from May, it would now be the equivalent of $110 just to fully play the game.
I don't know if there is an aftermarket for guilds or there is a reason to keep guild membership scarce. Maybe it's different in the higher leagues, but in the small bronze and silver leagues that I flounder in, I see a guild member at most 5% of the time. Here is a zoomed out picture of my last 19 battles
Lower the price, make different tiers, do something. It's at a point that it actually costs more than a real-life business license.
Thank you for reading.
Guilds have always been 10,000 DEC to create. It's one of the first burn mechanisms for DEC. After you create the guild you still need to contribute DEC to add or level up buildings. So guilds are tiered already by design. A level 1 guild cost 10,000 vs a level 2 guild which costs 20,000 (10,000 + 10,000) or a level 3 which costs 40,000 (10,000 + 10,000 + 20,000).
Interesting. I’m glad there’s tiers, just the barrier to entry is too high now. Maybe simply allowing guilds to be bigger?