Splinterlands New Rules and New Legendary Summoner

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

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I am a bit late in going over all this stuff but there has been so much going on in the world of Splinterlands I wanted to take some time to talk about the last 6 rulesets. I also went ahead and covered the new Legendary Summoner and showed off my collection of them and explained why I am making sure to have them. I hope you enjoy the video and think about getting into the game if you are not already playing. I have to see that I want to find more time to just sit and play again and I am getting rusty and I have been buying a lot of cards and renting a few so I need to try them out. Once again you can win 1000 DEC if you watch the video and leave a comment that shows that you did watch at least a little. The winner this week showed off how lucky he is. But it is live spin so it surprised even me.

If you are not playing yet sign up here
If you buy your spellbook let me know and I will send you some DEC to buy a few cards.

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Came from youtube! Hello! thanks for the content

Your current Rank (26) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 67%

I like the new rulesets

Especially trample with rexxie and using selfheals with the poison.

And I like to use low health creatures with retaliate or thorns with the opportunity rule..

As for the legendary summoner.. Not in my reach so no opinion of it 🙂

good moves

1000 DEC Give Away Every Week ??

Thank You For Back to Back Jack ................ @stever82 I would Not MISS IT for the World !!!

congrats man sorry the video was late due to 3speak issue

It's All Good

@tipu curate

Hey Steve,

Can you help explain tipu to me - I keep seeing the account around, and kind of get it... but mostly don't.


Your current Rank (24) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 68%

I agree it would be nice if each ruleset has its own mana range so that stuff like 12 mana trample ruleset doesn't happen. Overall the rulesets are quite varied and allow for all kinds of creative builds and combinations, some refinement there could only help to improve.

The only legendary summoner I have is Scarred Llama Mage (which I use a LOT). Being that I am only in Bronze, I don't see too many of the other legendary summoners.

Also, I don't have any monsters with the Trample ability (and don't tend to see them in my opponent's, either), so I don't pay much attention to the Stampede ruleset. I have played the Holy Protection on a few times, and I try to play a lot of smaller monsters when I get tht one (more monsters means more hits and more Devine Shields). The one that irratates me is when you get a Fog of War ruleset while playing a Sneak or Snipe quest.

Overall, I like the new rule sets. Though getting Earthquake + Noxious Fumes in low manna Bronze matches is always rough. Also seeing a lot of Stampede when there's not really any monsters that have it at that low level.

I tried to do some trading between SL and WAX after your last video, but it seems like the market might be slowing down a bit, or at least coming more in line with SL market prices. Maybe I just lack patience :D I did see some cards actually selling for less WAX dollar value than they would sell for DEC, though with prices fluctuating that can always change. Seems like it's a lot of commons getting moved over now. Anyhow, congrats on the kitten and up-voted the video :)

The new rulesets are cool. I'm always for new varieties of gameplay. Unfortunately I didn't get any of the new summoner yet, but it looks great.

Hello, your video is really cool, to win in the poison rule I usually use gelatinous and monsters with heal a lot.

appreciating your work on YT! A quick question on land sales - just wanted to pick your brain and ask how many plots you think it would be worth owning to make some money? I have a few plots, but curious what a good min number you think is worth owning - thanks!

I think you should have around 10 to 25 but you have the monsters to stake on them

ok thanks...and sorry if I missed a previous analysis if you did one, but do you have an idea of how much DEC/Hive would be generated per plot of land? Sorry if you did something on this before and I missed it. Thanks man! I appreciate it

Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Very cool, before I was scared by these news, but now I love all the updates more and more, it makes the game much more fun.