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RE: Splinterlands first impressions from a Hearthstone player

in Splinterlands5 years ago

Glad you are playing the game. You can use DEC to buy a pack it cost 2000. I am sure it seems far away but once you get to even gold 3 you can earn that in a few days. That might be to slow. I agree. I do know that this game does require a lot of time or at least one big investment to play in the top leagues but I can get an account with level 5 cars to diamond 1 or champ 3 playing each day. At that level I earn 6k to 10k DEC and get a lot of cards from questing.


Yes! At bronze earnings look very sad, even worthless. Im currently at silver 1 and got some DEC now but Im definetly stuck there until I get more cards and take on the people at gold III. Sadly it is a slow climb even with the recent season rewards I got 4 cards and mostly potions. Ill try to be consistent though!

have you looked into renting cards on @peakmonsters ? It is very cheap right now. It another way to get to higher leagues to earn more.

Didnt now that actually, thought only buying or selling but I will definitely check it out!

Ya the rental market is a nice way to get a few higher level cards