You should return it to the hardware store tomorrow and say that it was the wrong size. I know I know...but you could.
I will probably need it one day in the next 30 years... better hold onto it :D
I've heard some grumblings about the time frame.
Mid-next year it seems to actually use it - and it was released about two years ago :D
The story of my crypto journey too lol.
Most of mine too!
This is totally how I used to think about things but now, I'm in get rid of stuff mode. But knowing Murphy's Law, if you took it back, you'd need it for something next week right?
Yup, those were the grumblings I was hearing, people are getting rather anxious waiting for this highly anticipated's always the most tense just before it happens.
I actually ended up buying a kit of drill bits with longer ones in them too, but I bought a new kit only last week, so now I have a lot of bits! :D