A few thoughts.
First: Congratulations on joining the game and yes play to earn games have their flaws for sure. I think there are some ways to help new players but I'll save that for my blog :)
Second: Champion is a huge dollar hurdle to get there. Even with the long game its virtually unattainable without very deep pockets or renting. A subject for another one of my blogs coming up :)
Third: I have battled as high as Diamond and regularly hit Gold I rank with my cards but in the end I settle in at Silver I. There are diminishing rewards as you climb in league. There is an increased time commitment to try and continually battle increasingly sophisticated opponents with very deep pockets.
but Fourth: There is a different meta in every level of the game. Certain cards are better in different ranks. Example: Elven Mystic is a go to card for me in Silver (silence) but useless in bronze. Tortosian Chief made a huge different in Gold I(healing) but rarely got used in lower levels.
The different card powers in different levels makes it hard. If you aim for Champion level cards you'll have a rough time in Bronze and Silver. Focus on Bronze and Silver and you'll have the wrong cards for Gold and higher.
Good luck :)
Don't mean to discourage you but wanted to give a couple points to consider.