Just a cheap strategy I came across. Any suggestions?
Kelya Frendul (Free)
Speed and armor helps keep everybody alive Torrent Fiend(~3dec/day)
0 mana is awesome to soak up attacks and get a bit of damage, sacrifice to stack health on Gelatinous Cube-
Cruel Sethropod(Free)
great 3 mana tank, handy for low mana battles where you might now play Gelatinous Cube -
Gelatinous Cube(0.1dec/day)
Scavenger ability helps soak up tons of damage on front line -
Venari Wavesmith(0.1dec/day)
Protect ability gives 2 armor and the magic damage is nice -
Creeping Ooze(0.1dec/day)
Slow ability helps keep everybody alive -
Deep Lurker(Free)
Targets weak monsters to trigger Scavenger on Gelatinous Cube and soaks up lots of rear damage may need to be replaced/omitted if low mana battle