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RE: Look What Splinterlands Has Done To Me...

I've got a few of those physical promo cards too. I actually used one of the promo codes to start a friends account a few weeks back... The codes still work! Surprisingly, I found mine behind my dresser when I was cleaning. I had forgotten all about them. They just so happened to reappear when I needed them!

I never got in the card collecting circles IRL. I'm enjoying Splinterlands a lot though. Fun game and the gains were a really pleasant surprise!

I can't believe you guys get hockey cards at your Tim's. I was just at a Tim's on our side of the border and I don't remember seeing any hockey card promotions :( I have a few family members that collect sports cards too!

Cheers bro!



LOL Man, if they could put ice inside of these Tim's stores and have people skate around to order coffee they would lol

Canadians lol