Abilities make Splinterlands a lot more interesting to play. The combinations and synergy is something to look forward in every battle. For this reason, the Back to Basics ruleset is quite boring to me because of the lack of abilities.
An ability that has proven to be a favorite among players is the Bloodlust. With such an awesome name, this ability makes a unit quite formidable on the battle field and sometimes even unbeatable. Having your stats increase by 1 after each kill may not sound like a lot but these numbers quickly add up as the battle progresses.
One monster with the bloodlust that I like to use is the Isgald Vorst. Let's talk about her.
Isgald Vorst is a Gladius card of the water element and one of the three gladius cards with opportunity. It is this opportunity ability, together with other factors like her splinter and stats, that make her such a desirable unit. At level 5, her melee damage matches to her speed while she maintains the 3x armor and 5x health. In the Silver league, this unit is actually quite strong for 5 mana and, of course, I play her a lot in my brawls.
Let's look at some battles where this unit was featured. These battles are from a single brawl session and they show how effective Isgard is especially when paired with another unit with opportunity.
BATTLE 1: No Chance For Quora
Quora is pretty Op in this game especially in the lower levels. Because of this, I get a little worried when my opponent plays her. The good thing is that she is not invincible as I showed in this battle.
Now, in this battle you may point out that Quora is just at level one but I don't think she would have been able to defeat my team even if she was at level 3. The unit's self heal ability would not let her get enraged. This worked perfectly to my advantage.
Unlike Quora, Isgald could get enraged with no problem. It also helped that she attacked first and defeated the Mycelic Morphoid at the back. This activated the bloodlust ability which added to the stats that came when Quora dared to touch Isgald's health.
During Quora's final moments, this is what she was faced with. The 8x melee attack was just what I needed to mortally wound the Earth unit just enough for the Pelacor Bandit to finish her off.
Battle Link
BATTLE 2: Opportunity Meets Opprtunity
In the last battle, the enrage ability helped Isgald reach quite the peak but in this battle, the bloodlust was all she needed.
I like to play Isgald with Deeplurker in my brawls. These guys are one of the best tag team units that I enjoying playing with. Sometimes, Deeplurker would destroy a units armor letting Isgald kill it and activate her bloodlust. This scenario played out in this battle.
The enemy used another powerful opportunity unit alongside Deeplurker. This unit, the Kulu Mastermind, has weapons training but that ability does not come close to Isgald's bloodlust in this battle.
Overall, Isgald killed 3 enemy units raising her melee damage to 8X and speed to 7X.
Battle Link
For this battle, my opponent and I both played Isgard but he used Kulu Mastermind while I used Deeplurker. Kulu Mastermind is quite string but I think I won this battle because the enemy failed to protect his units in any way. Of course, other factors also caused his loss but I think the lack of protection was quite significant.
Well in this battle, my Isgard quickly got a lot stronger than the enemy's as can be seen below.
The enemy's Isgald wasted her attcack on the armor of Djinn Oshannus and just stood there helplessly afterwards. It was my Isgard that took her out eventually. In total, Isgard killed 4 enemy units ending the battle with 8X melee attack and 9X speed.
Battle Link
Like I said earlier, these battles are all from one Brawl session and I won all of them. It goes to show how effective Isgard can be especially when paired with the right units and summoner. For me, I like to play her with Kelya Frendul and Deeplurker. Sometimes I throw in River Hellondale with the inspire ability to speed up the process of activating the bloodlust.
In my opinion, Bloodlust is what makes brawls very fun and intense. This ability can really be great against negative effects like poison, rust, shatter, demoralize, weaken, cripple etc. It can also be a great alternative to the tank heal or self heal abilities even against Affliction. It's no surprise that, given how great the ability is, it has been granted to tradeable cards. Also, the gladius cards have crossed over to ranked play thanks to the help of certain special summoners and rulesets. These cards have made ranked play a lot more enjoyable and challenging. I absolutely love it!
That's All For Today, Warrior!
- Unless otherwise stated, all images used in this post are from the Splinterlands game.
- All dividers were made by me with Canva.
One more thing.
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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice
cant believe you killed that quora easily with your Isgald!