GRUND at level one, a killing machine

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, today i did well in the exam so i am happy to write about a battle i had several days ago, focusing on my favorite epic from the chaos legion.....

How cool is the GRUND


GRUND is an epic earth monster from the chaos legion, priced over $4 in the game market currently, the interesting part is its ability Double strike "hits two times" starting from level one.
GRUND may be very useful as a melee in regular battle rules, or it can be distructive and very amusing in some special rules...

Logopit_1644352767193.jpgWatch the GRUND beating up those boys
Equal opportunity and healed out , those were the rules of that battle, so i wanted to try what a GRUND would do in such battles, with a summoner like mylor to add the thorns curse😋
At first sight, i searched for a surrender button somewhere when i found out what the enemy was preparing for me, but it seems that the perfect team don't always need some fancy high level cards, and that little plan worked well against that fire hell team.

Thanks to chaos legion i have now a serial killer called GRUND.

PngItem_1293118.pngClick To Join


When reading your article it seems that some song came to my mind:

🎵🎶"You're a monster, Mr. Grunt
Your heart's an empty hole
Your brain is full of spiders, you've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grunt
I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!"🎵🎶

I need that card!!! Even in level 1 is sick! Great article, @thebusycat!

İ've just heard the cartoon song and the one singed by jim carry and the one from illumination.. every song seems diferent😆
Yeah it's really a useful card, just needs a christmas hat😁

Great battle , i really want this card in my collection.