Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! With February being a short month, the mid-point of the season seems to have sneaked by me! This is probably one of the shortest seasons of ranked play in the year, and it's almost over already!
There was a bi-weekly update to the game since my last post, with a few gameplay-related changes. A new ruleset, Maneuvers, was added that gives all monsters the Reach ability, similar to playing Possibilus. They claim to have fixed Dispel removing debuffs, which has been a long standing issue for many years now. A bunch of changes unrelated to gameplay itself were also made.
Pre-Proposals for the SPS DAO voting were added to the game's website, so you can find them without having to go to a third-party site. The card collection screen seems to have gotten a pass through by the developers, with lots of new functionality and information being added. Aside from lots of other little tweaks and fixes, the only other interesting item of note is that players who bought 500+ packs in the Soulkeep pre-sale finally got an airdrop of a title and player avatar.
No real news on Soulkeep itself, but at least they finally got around to fulfilling some of the pre-sale promises. Speaking on upcoming games, the former CEO of Splinterlands has been announcing his new game, Moon Karts, all over the place. It's a racing game, similar to Mario Kart, except you can earn crypto from playing it. Only tangentially tied to Splinterlands, it did take up the focus of the Discord community chat for a day or two.
Guild Brawl #195 playing Bronze League Gold Foil Only. The guild came in 3rd place, which I am happy with overall.
Vs. BONJOURTIA of YGGDRASIL - opponent fled
I also opened up a Gladiator pack:
The Rest:
As usual, I was able to run up to where I can advance to Gold on my alternate account, and I've been stuck in the middle of Gold on my main. Both in Wild format, since I've mostly given up on playing Modern at this point. I may try it again when the new ranked system comes out.
With the bi-weekly nature of updates and Town Halls, I don't expect anything will happen until after the end of the season. I'm hoping that I'll manage to limp into Diamond league on my main before the season ends, though lately it really seems to depend on random luck of late. Land continues to be a reliable source of Splintershards (SPS) at a slow, but steady pace.
I am up to about 4 Conflict chances, or rolls, for a Legendary airdrop card. Not great odds with about 2 weeks left to go, but I haven't really bought many packs. I was planning to at the start of the year, but the value of some crypto dropped and I have yet to get around to exchanging it for DEC/Credits.
That's about it for this week. Thank you for reading, and if you have any comments or questions let me know below. I'll be back soon with a season wrap up, as long as I don't get too busy to do it before next weekend!