Welcome to another weekly update on my attempt to challenge the Splinterlands ranked leagues! Initially it was a self challenge, to see how far I could get with the initial set of cards plus whatever I could win. But, that kind of fell apart around week 30 (with the game integrating with the WAX network and users being able to buy and sell cards on Atomic Hub).
At the time of this writing, there's only one day left in the Chaos Legion pre-sale voucher air drop. After that, the pre-sale will officially end in another week! The team also just announced that December 8th will be when Chaos Legion packs can be opened!
I had sneaked in a note, that if people wanted a delegation for the upcoming season, to reply to my last article. Out of the three places I post, the only comment I got was on my own website, which is surprising since I feel like it's the least visited one. Congrats @horea39, you get a free delegation of Kron the Undying for the rest of this new season.

I did end up joining @MarcusWahl's Chaos Legion pack pool. I ended up buying 25 more vouchers, to have 150 to put in. I should be getting 3 copies of Doctor Blight when he gets released, and I already received the 180 packs from the group buy bonus.
My expectation is the group may end up getting a top 6 spot, and sharing the profits of auctioning off the card creation rights. Bonus cards will also be sold and the profits split among contributors. My cut of that may be small, but it's still something. Historically I've also had terrible luck with getting bonus air drop cards.
I've got a lot of reward stuff to cover, but before getting into that I did want to mention that @321LetsJam interviewed me as part of his series on the Splinterlands community. You should go check out his stuff on PeakD. Now, onto the usual breakdown of the past week:
Daily Quest Rewards:
This was an abnormally good season for me for daily quest rewards. I just want to note that here, as if you haven't read some of my past articles, you may not know that these results are better than average. I was also really happy I never got stuck having to win 5 with Fire, Life, or Death this week.
Daily Quest # 431 - Win 5 with Fire… re-rolled to Win 5 with Snipe. I ended up dropping back to Gold II after a run of losses. I missed that and claimed before winning a couple more matches to get back to Gold I. For finishing this daily quest, I got 2 Pelacor Bandits (common monster), 2 Pelacor Deceivers (common monster), a Venari Heatsmith (common monster), a Gargoya Devil (rare monster), and a Uraeus (epic monster!)
Daily Quest # 432 - Win 5 with Fire… re-rolled to Win 3 with No Neutral. After getting back to Gold I, I finished this daily quest and received 28 (22 + 6) Dark Energy Crystals (DEC), 2 Gold potions, a Legendary potion, a Venari Wavesmith (expensive rare monster), a Pelacor Conjurer (common monster), and a Pelacor Mercenary (common monster).
Daily Quest # 433 - Win 5 with Water. For completing this quest, I got 26 (10 + 15 + 1) DEC, a Gold potion, 2 Pelacor Deceivers, a Gargoya Lion (common monster), and a Venari Crystalsmith (rare monster). Also of note, my InvestYGator account got the epic monster, Djinn Revona!
Daily Quest # 434 - Win 5 with Dragon. For finishing this daily quest, I recieved 11 (10 + 1) DEC, a Gold potion, a Legendary potion, a Pelacor Mercenary, a Pelacor Deceiver, a Pelacor Conjurer, and a Gold Foil Venari Heatsmith! InvesYGator also got a Gold Foil Naga Assassin (rare monster)!
Daily Quest # 435 - Win 5 with Water. For completing this daily quest, I got a Gold potion, a Legendary potion, a Pelacor Bandit, 2 Pelacor Deceivers, a Gargoya Lion, a Venari Heatsmith, and another Harklaw (legendary monster)! I also bought 2 more Harklaws on InvestYGator for 2,029.571 DEC and 2,029.571 respectively, after realizing I had ground out a decent amount from ranked wins. One was for that account to use, and the other to combine for a level 2 copy on my main account.

Daily Quest # 436 - Win 5 with Fire… re-rolled to Win 5 with Earth. For completing this daily quest, I received 10 (9 + 1) DEC, a Gold potion, a Legendary potion, a Pelacor Deceiver, a Pelacor Bandit, a Djinn Renova, and a Gold Foil Pelacor Conjurer!
Daily Quest # 437 - Win 5 with Dragon. Since this was the last day of the season, I advanced up to Diamond III for the extra rewards. For completing this last quest, I got 2 DEC, 2 Legendary potions, 2 Pelacor Bandits, a Pelacor Conjurer, a Gargoya Lion, a Venari Bonesmith (rare monster), a Naga Assassin, and a Djinn Biljka (legendary monster)! I've now gotten at least 1 of all the new reward Legendary cards!

I also opened packs 35, 36, and 37 of my series of 50 packs I had gotten months and months ago now. I missed getting the screenshot for pack 36, so had to grab it from Peak Monsters. This was also an excuse to do another pack, and my luck was pretty good with that one!

Monday Silvershield Knights, Silver League tournament: As I mentioned last week, I haven't been doing too well outside of Bronze league tournaments. I went a very poor 1-10 to lose my 6 Splintershard token (SPS) entry fee.
Wednesday Silvershield Knights, Silver League tournament: Not being a quitter, I tried to focus a bit more on my actual team selection this time. I managed to go 6-5, which was not good enough to make day 2. However, I still finished in 62nd place for 19 SPS, covering my loss on Monday.
ZenSports Power Outage QualifierTwitch. In the first one I did terrible and lost in the 2nd round. However, I did pretty well in the second one and managed to make it to the top 8, winning 5 SPS and qualifying for the main tournament. Apparently people will be limited to using 50,000 collection power worth of cards in the main tournament, and I'm curious to see how that will work out. s, Silver League tournament: I played in two of these during the past week, which were hosted by @Clove71 on
Guild Brawls:
Guild Brawl #45, playing Gold foil Bronze, Untamed set only. I actually had a couple of opponents this time around. The guild finished in third place overall. We're currently working towards upgrading our Arena to be able to have more people participate in Brawls, as well as get more Merits from them.
Guild Brawl #46, playing Gold foil Bronze, Untamed set only. Sadly, I had no opponents once again. On the bright side, the guild came in 2nd place. So, working our way back up!
The Rest:
No real trading, though I did delegate out a bunch of cards to newer accounts at the end of the season. Buying the vouchers and packs did set me back about 50,000 DEC and 1,000 SPS, so that was a lot for one week. I'm probably going to sell off my remaining handful of pre-sale vouchers and maybe some of the Chaos Legion packs.
I really need to clean up my delegations and what I've got out on InvestYGator. That's my goal for the upcoming week. I want to try to help new players be able to get off the ground earning DEC, since you no longer do from ranked games in Novice or Bronze III, but there's a lot of them and not enough cards to go around.
I didn't compete for the leader board, as usual. I was kind of trying to get to Diamond II, but wasn't having too much luck and also got busy doing support work. There continues to be plenty of that to go around. Anyhow, I finished in Diamond III on my main account, and Gold III on InvestYGator.

The season end wasn't smooth for everyone, as a lot of players once again ran into issues with rentals expiring and not ending up in the league they expected to finish in. Hopefully they'll work out a better system for that. The developers have also been trying to improve the performance of the market, and getting sold cards to disappear faster.
That's it for this week and season! If you made it this far, thank you for reading! If you have any questions or comments, please let me know, and I'll be back next week with another update on my ongoing adventures in Splinterlands.
Congrats to the many legendary pulls.
Thank you.
Wassup man idk you were into blogging in alll thats cool i just followed you frsr great content man and i plan to continue reading all the new posts again bro i really want to thank u for everything you not only help myself with but for the community , were lucky to have you keep up the amazing work...!!!!
Yea, I originally started playing as a blogging subject, and now it's pretty much the only thing I'm still writing about as I don't have enough time to play other games, lol.