Reaching the silver level is the easiest way!

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Hello, very big from me to all the fans of the wonderful Splinterlands game, this game is one of the most important games that I play now and that you can earn a lot of money if you invest some of your money in it and also you can enjoy a very big time with this game!

Beginners face some problems in Splinterlands, and one of the most common problems that beginners face is the problem of getting up from a league to a higher league, especially the Silver League for beginners, because they think that reaching this league is very difficult and perhaps impossible, but it is not at all.

It may be a little difficult if you want to own the monsters you want to play with because it will cost you some money, but it will be very easy if you go to the Splinterlands card market and rent these monsters that I will talk about in this blog and you also use the same strategies that I used here So if you are interested in getting into the Silver League, follow the blog to the end!

To be honest with you, reaching the Silver League for me has become very easy and can be achieved with many strategies and a lot of great summoners, so every week I will publish a new strategy with a great summoner that you can use to reach your goal, follow my blogs weekly to get weekly new strategies!


My strategy for today:

In this first strategy I used a very cool plan with an amazing summoner from the Earth team, the amazing summoner I used was this PRINCE RENNYN summoner, it gives a lot of features and abilities that help my team a lot to become much better, it gives my monsters extra speed and extra heart and also Extra strength for all the defenders in the team, that would be great!

Prince Rennyn.png

I will now talk about the most important monsters that I used in this strategy:

This UNICORN MUSTANG attacker is the one I used in most of the battles I've played with this great strategy because it has a lot of great features and it also has the great void ability to face witches!

Unicorn Mustang.png

This attacker is also VENARI KNIFER, one of the most important attackers for me in this strategy, it has some great features that make me use it and relied on it a lot in battles that need less mana cap and also this wonderful attacker has the ability of wonderful thorns!

Venari Knifer.png

This monster Fungus Fiend of a colt is very important to me in this strategy because it does not need any mana cap so it is very important especially in small battles.

Fungus Fiend.png

This defender BEATRIX IRONHAND is a very great defender with this team, he needs 6 mana caps so it is difficult to use it except in big battles that need high mana cap, it is a very special defender and has a lot of great features!

Beatrix Ironhand.png

Another great defender is JAVELIN THROWER, it is a very fast defender and has a great kick and some other features that make it a great defender.

Javelin Thrower.png

This monster CHILD OF THE FOREST is a great defender and very important to me especially in small battles that need a few mana caps, it is a very fast defender and he also has an amazing Snape ability.

Child of the Forest.png

This EARTH ELEMENTAL is an amazing monster for me, although it is very slow and has a weak hit, but it is essential in all my battles because it has a good heart and I use it as a great victim in the back.
Earth Elemental.png

This defender HALFLING ALCHEMIST is one of the best defenders and the most important to me in this plan, it is a weak and slow defender but it is very important to me because it has amazing Halving ability!

Halfling Alchemist.png


Now I'm going to show you some great battles I played with this strategy:

This is one of the battles that we played with this strategy, this battle needed 21 mana cap and this is a good number and not small, I used some amazing monsters and completely swept the opponent!

Screenshot (472).png

This is another battle but this time the opponent was very weak but anyway I just want to show you how you can deal with this plan in small battles, you can also achieve great results!

Screenshot (475).png

This is another battle against a new team, the opponent in this fight used a good team but I think my team was much better, I had a very strong back line that made things end very quickly and win in such a very cool way.

Screenshot (476).png

I really hope that you have enjoyed this blog and benefited from it, as I said above that it is necessary to follow the rest of the weekly series of these strategies if you like the way of explanation, leave me your opinion in the comments and thank you for your time in reading!