Super battle with Earth team magicians!_Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlands3 years ago


As you know about me, daily I search for new plans to try and try to explore the best plans in each team, after the latest update of the game I am always looking for the perfect monsters to rent at the cheapest prices and that achieve the greatest possible benefit compared to their price, so I am constantly experimenting with plans and I always love to share the best tactics I discovered with you, so now in this blog I will explain to you about one of the best tactics in the big battles that you can use mages in.

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I think it is interesting to share all its details with your friends on social media, this gives you a lot of enthusiasm for the game, especially when you discuss with your friends on social media who play Splatterlands about the battle and whether it was good and how the plans could be better!

In many cases I face very easy opponents and the battle is very easy, but for me facing difficult opponents who have a good plan is much more fun than easy battles because the enthusiasm is much greater during the battle and you feel very happy when you win after a difficult battle!

I just played a great game but it was not difficult, the fun in this game is that I faced the opponent with a very perfect plan against witches and it is also very strong, although we used the same summoner and some similar monsters, but the difference in the dimension of the monsters made the plan completely change, so I I relied entirely on magicians and with a powerful monster in front. The opponent relied on some magicians on his team and some different other monsters. This made things easier for me because of the magicians' power with the super summoner that I used.

This battle is a very big battle because it requires 99 mana caps and we can use big monsters in it and the best thing for me was using a strong wizard's plan and the best summoner for wizards is "OBSIDIAN" because this summoner gives an extra magic hit to all the wizards in the team this makes the team much stronger and better, so it is a very ideal summoner with magicians and opponents also use the same summoner.


The first monster that I used in battle was this great attacker "UNICORN MUSTANG" and I consider this monster to be one of my favorite monsters because it has a lot of features that make it suitable for almost all battles, this monster is very fast and also has a very strong blow which is 3 In addition, he has a very big heart, which is 10, and this makes it live for a long time, but the most important thing for me is that this monster has an amazing ability against magicians, which is "Void" and this ability splits the magician's blow when it hits this monster and makes it weaker So this monster is amazing against witches and was very suitable in this battle.

Unicorn Mustang.png

In the second place, I used a new monster from the game's monsters after the last update, and this monster is "MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN" and because the battle is big, I am looking here for the best monsters to use, even if it requires a high mana cap, and this magician is a super monster, but he needs 9 mana Cap and this is a big number for small battles and this monster has a good hit and also good speed and also has a wonderful heart and is 10, but the most important of all is the great ability he possesses, which is a "Taunt" and this ability makes all opponent monsters They beat this monster as a victim while my monsters can eliminate some of the opponent's monsters.

Mycelic Slipspawn.png

In the third place I used a cool monster too and although it requires a few mana caps but it is a very useful magician for me in this battle and this magician is "VENARI SPELLSMITH" and although it has a weak heart and a not strong hit, but it has a great ability and This ability is "Dispel" and this ability causes this monster to increase its heart every time it hits.

Venari Spellsmith.png

In the fourth place I used this monster "GOBLIN PSYCHIC" because I think that this amazing magician is well suited for this battle because he has a strong punch and also has a good heart, but for me it has a superpower which is "Tank Heal" and this ability makes him increase the heart of the monster The first is when it decreases in each round and this gives the first monster a much longer life, so I put at the beginning monsters with a big heart.

Goblin Psychic.png

The fifth monster I used is this amazing witch "WOOD NYMPH", this witch has always made me happy to use it because it gives me a lot of support to keep my monsters alive for a longer time because it has a special ability "Tank Heal" which is like the ability of the monster before it Which I broke earlier and I always rely on this great ability in my team because it always makes me live longer.

Wood Nymph.png

The last monster I used was this wonderful monster "REGAL PERYTON", this monster is also one of the new monsters in the game and has amazing features, This monster has a very great speed and is often the monster that starts hitting and I like fast monsters and always rely on speed The biggest in my fights because speed is very important to me and also this monster has a good heart and is 6 and also has a wonderful ability "Flying" and this ability makes this monster escape from some strikes so I put this monster in the last place to escape from the attacks of the attackers Backdoors and those with the ability to "Sneak", what a great magician!

Regal Peryton.png

You can follow watching the battle through the link below and feel this great enthusiasm in the battle and how I eliminated my opponent completely:

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How did it go during the rounds?


In the beginning and before the start of the battle, this was the lineup of the two teams, and you can notice the very great similarity between the two teams, where the opponent used the same summoner and also used 4 similar monsters to me, but the slight difference changed everything.

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At the end of the first round and the beginning of the second round, I had managed to kill one of the important monsters of the opponent, which is "MYCELIC SLIPPPAWN", and my monster similar to this monster also approached death, but it did not die yet.

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At the beginning of the third round and by the end of the second round, I had managed to kill another monster for the opponent, and he also managed to kill a monster from my team, and the battle gradually became easy.

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At the beginning of the fourth round and by the end of the third round, this is how things looked, and no extra monster from any team died, but things were going great for me and the monster of the first opponent came close to death.

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At the beginning of the fifth round and by the end of the fourth round I was able to kill an additional monster from the opponent and things became much easier and the opponent only has 3 monsters, but I only have 5 monsters.

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With the end of the fifth round and the beginning of the sixth and final round, I managed to kill another monster of the opponent, and he had only two monsters left, and things went exactly as I planned before the start of the battle.
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Battle Analysis

Did the battle go well?
It's great for me to say yes, sure everything happened in this battle as I planned before the start of the battle and I think I used perfect monsters for this battle and for this opponent, the victim I used this time saved me a lot of time for my witches to attack the opponent's monsters aggressively and was Protecting them, I also thought I used a super monster in front so the battle for me was excellent!

What is the strategy in this battle?
Since the battle requires 99 mana caps, it is a very big battle and I can use a lot of powerful monsters in it, so I tried to use the strongest possible monsters and magicians that suit the summoner and my plan, so I put in the first a super monster and it helped me a lot in the front because it is strong and fast And it has a good heart and I put a strong magician behind him as well and it has a good heart, but I used him here as a victim because of its amazing ability and it was able to protect the rest of my monsters that hit the opponent and also one of the most important reasons for the success of the plan greatly is that I used two monsters with the ability of "Tank Heal" And these two monsters were so supportive of my first monster every round and that made him live to the end.


Some of the photos on this blog are from:

Some other pictures are taken from the official website of the game.

I hope that this blog will be very useful for many of you and is completely clear, enthusiastic and not boring., I also hope that my next posts will be impressive to you., thank you for your time in reading.


Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

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