
Aight, now that that's done... Frankly it's very hard to say as the absence of CL will come with the addition of CA, which we know nothing about.

However, putting that aside, I'm looking at cards that can slot in for commonly used CL cards:

  • Anything with Tank Heal and Triage will get increased value (partly why I have the Meriput Magician so high); I also think cards like Croire and maybe the Sea Dog with their self-heal could get more usage
  • Cryptic will need a replacement for Oshannus, so we might look to Mar Toren Seeker in low mana battles or Chaos Rear Guard, or maybe the Scion?
  • All the 3-mana summoners, given the 4-mana ones from CL will be gone
  • Taunt monters are pretty key in many situations, so cards like Helheim Demon may get a boost with fewer other options on the table.
  • Oddly, Kraan might get a little boost as potentially the Death team's best tank
  • Maybe the Harbinger will see some usage as an Immunity tank for the life team with Inevitable gone...but it's hard to see without some help

Really hard to say though. Can't wait to see what's in store for CA to get a better sense of this :)

Thanks for your input! Can't afford all the cards so I need to choose wisely when buying. Also, the rental system is awesome. I'm glad it exists so I could play with cards I couldn't afford or haven't purchased yet.

My budget went to maxing all the legendary and the 3-mana summoners! Now if only there's a guide on how to utilize these summoners effectively..... 😉

I look forward to your future Tier Lists! Really helpful for newbies and experienced players alike!

Lol...another good catch! Fixing right away...