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RE: Alternative Voucher Proposal - Transition from DEC Utility to Exclusive Voucher Items in the Glint Shop

in Splinterlands7 months ago

Thanks for taking the time to offer some feedback, @nateaguila.

This felt like the best compromise that I, along with help from some others, could come up with. As with all DAO proposals and executive decisions, nothing is final and can always be amended later - and this solution felt like one that at least gets us moving in the right direction. Based on your comment, it feels like you're of the same mind.

Re: the voucher shop / glint shop - I'm indifferent and would leave all of the implementation / experience to the experts on the team.

I'm not sure the "example" provided in the prop is clear, but it suggests to simply remove 4 soulbound cards from the upcoming set and instead offer them via vouchers only (and NOT via chests and/or glint).

Cosmetics would be a huge plus in my mind and would be exactly the type of stuff I'd love to see available via a voucher shop (I seem to remember a pretty sweet Iziar skin being revealed at a TH many moons ago - I would definitely part ways with some vouchers for that!)

Some additional context around the voucher-exclusive items is the idea that they would not be soulbound, but, of course this would be at the team's discretion.

This thinking is at least partially with regards to Matt's pushback that vouchers are a hurdle in the NPE.

Vouchers, as proof of time staked, and, by extension the voucher shop, are going to naturally cater primarily to veterans of the ecosystem.

Therefore, desiring to participate in said exclusive sale(s) would require a deeper dive into Hive / Hive-Engine (cue the Academy for tips on navigating 3rd parties).

Offering non-soulbound items via the voucher shop would allow for these items to be listed & acquired via in-game (and external) markets AND protect the NPE from being unencumbered by vouchers.

At any rate, should this thing pass, will default to all best judgement from Nate & co.
